Данія: стипендія на магістратуру в Roskilde University

Університет: Roskilde University

Країна: Данія

Що і для кого: повні стипендії на певні програми магістратури для іноземних студентів

Дедлайн: 15 січня 2021

Навчальні програми, на які поширюється стипендія:

Master in Communication Studies and Cultural Encounters
Master in Cultural Encounters and Communication Studies
Master in International Public Administration and Politics
Master in International Development Studies and Global Studies
Master in Mathematical Physical Modelling
Master in Spatial Designs and Society
Master in Nordic Urban Planning Studies

Тривалість та сума стипендії:

The tuition fee waiver and scholarship has a maximum length of 22 months for programmes that start in September. The scholarship amounts to DKK 7,800 per month, and is meant to cover living expenses in Denmark.

Tuition fee waiver and scholarship students must follow the study plan and not be delayed in their studies in order to maintain the tuition fee waiver and scholarship.

Хто може податися?

In order to be eligible to apply for a tuition fee waiver and scholarship, you must be a non-EU/EEA citizen that is required to pay tuition fees and apply to one of the master’s programmes that offer scholarships.

Please note that being eligible to apply for a tuition fee waiver and scholarship does not guarantee that you will be awarded a tuition fee waiver and scholarship, as there is only a limited number. Applicants are ranked based on their academic performance, motivational letter and work experience. Family or social background is not taken into account.

Before each admission round, the university selects the specific master’s programmes that may offer one or more tuition fee waivers and scholarships.

Як податися?

You apply by uploading a motivational letter and CV outlining your academic and occupational background to your online application for admission to the master’s programmes within the application deadlines. Read the information on how to apply for admission to the master’s programmes.

Деталі: https://ruc.dk/en/step-5-tuition-fees-tuition-fee-waivers-and-scholarships

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