Резидентська програма з візуальних мистецтв

Інститут передових досліджень Центрально-Європейського університету (CEU IAS) запрошує професіоналів, які працюють у сферах візуальних медій, кінематографу, цифрового мистецтва, взяти участь в резидентській програмі.

Спеціальності: візуальні медіа, кінематограф, цифрове мистецтво.

Рівень: стажування, проведення власного дослідження.

Дедлайн: 22 лютого.

Детальний опис англійською:

The CEU Institute for Advanced Study (CEU IAS) invites applications for a new artist-in-residence program for the academic year 2015/2016. Two residential fellowships are offered on a competitive basis to senior (up to three months) and junior artists (up to six months), who work innovatively in various visual media, including film and digital applications. An important purpose of this program is to promote socially relevant artistic projects that would encourage the development of Visual Studies at CEU. The fellowships are meant to support the artistic practice and/or research of the recipients and serve as a catalyst for future collaborations.
Fellowships include:
For senior applicants: net allowance of EUR 2,500 per month + accommodation in the Wallenberg Guesthouse, shared office space at IAS / CEU premises as available, equipment and technical support from the CEU Media Lab and a small budget for research, production, or workshop rent.
For junior applicants: net allowance of EUR 1,500 per month + accommodation in the Wallenberg Guesthouse, shared office space at IAS / CEU premises as available, equipment and technical support from the CEU Media Lab and a small budget for research, production, or workshop rent.
Awarded fellows are responsible for their own travel arrangements and health insurance. Fellows are required to be in continuous residence for the duration of the scholarship.
Application criteria
Applications are expected from artists who

  • hold a university degree in visual art, filmmaking, digital media or related fields (minimum MA or PhD level)
  • are currently involved in the artistic as well as the academic fields
  • have a solid portfolio of artistic projects
  • are fluent in English.

Applicants should send the following material in ONE pdf document to the following address: IAS_art_applications@ceu.hu

  • a CV
  • a cover letter in which they indicate the benefits of being at CEU and in Hungary/Budapest for the project. They should also point out their project’s relevance for the development of Visual Studies at CEU and the period they would like to be in residence
  • a document which describes a concrete visual project that can be developed while in residence (max. 1,500 words, which does not include references).

There is no restriction concerning citizenship, race, gender, or age.
Selection process
Pre-selection will be based on submitted project proposals / motivation letters and CVs. Please send everything in one pdf file, no additional material is required at this stage.
The selection committee reserves the right, if necessary for the decision, to ask for further elaboration of the project as well as for letters of recommendation, other documents, or a Skype interview in a second round.
Applications should be sent to IAS_art_applications@ceu.hu
Джерело: http://ias.ceu.hu/node/42742

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