Грант для журналісток для репортерської поїздки до Африки

Журналістки з усього світу запрошуються до участі в репортерській поїздці до Південного Судану та до Танзанії. Серед вимог до учасниць – наявність мінімум трирічного досвіду роботи.

Дедлайн: 12 лютого.

Детальний опис англійською:

The IWMF is pleased to announce its first ever-reporting trip to South Sudan and second reporting trip to Tanzania.

Six women journalists will report on development and humanitarian issues in South Sudan. Concurrently, another group of six journalists will cover stories related to conservation in Tanzania. Both trips will take place May 1-14, 2016. All Fellows will begin their trip in Nairobi, Kenya, where they will complete comprehensive security training and an orientation about the African Great Lakes region and focus countries.

The online applications to take part in these trips will be open through February 12, 2016.

These opportunities are part of the African Great Lakes Reporting Initiative, created in 2014 and designed to support women journalists committed to pursuing stories that go beyond the well-established narratives of political instability, armed conflicts, and humanitarian crisis in the region. To date, 49 journalists have participated in this initiative and have covered a wide range of under-reported topics including civil society, democracy and governance, food security, and conservation. Their work has been produced and published by leading media outlets around the world.

The IWMF will accept online applications from January 12 – February 12, 2016.
South Sudan reporting trip: apply here
Tanzania reporting trip: apply here

All Fellows will begin their trip in Nairobi, Kenya, where they will complete comprehensive security training and an orientation about the African Great Lakes region and focus countries. Fellows then depart for about one week of in-country independent reporting from South Sudan or Tanzania, where they will have the opportunity to network with local journalists, collaborate with international peers, and meet with sources and discover sites relevant to their reporting.

Applicants for the IWMF’s South Sudan reporting trip must have prior experience working in a hostile environment, and will preferably have experience in Africa’s Great Lakes region. Applicants must be comfortable working in a high-risk environment. The IWMF reserves the right to postpone or cancel a reporting trip based on adverse security conditions. Before applying for the South Sudan trip, please read the detailed trip FAQ here

The IWMF arranges travel and in-country logistics for all Fellows. The IWMF also covers fellowship-related costs within the framework of the reporting trip including travel, lodging, meals, and fixers/interpreters, unless a selected journalist’s news organization wishes to assume these costs. Visa costs will also be covered, but fellows living outside the U.S. are responsible for procuring all necessary visas.

Applicants must be affiliated or freelance women journalists with at least 3 years of professional experience in journalism working in print, broadcast, or digital media. All nationalities are welcome to apply. Fellows must have excellent written and verbal English skills in order to fully participate in and benefit from the program. Applicants must be able to demonstrate support from an editor or have a proven track record of publication in prominent media outlets.


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