Зимова школа в Катарі

Взимку 2017 року відбудеться школа, присвячена проблемам міжнародної міграції – “The Fourth Winter School on the Analytics and Policy Design of Migration”. Апліканти повинні мати ступінь кандидата наук з економіки або навчатися в аспірантурі за цією спеціальністю.

Дати: 3 – 7 січня.

Місце: Georgetown University in Qatar

Дедлайн – 15 жовтня.

Детальний опис англійською:

International migration is one of the most exciting topics to explore in social science research. Why some people leave, why others stay, what are the repercussions of migration for the sending and the receiving economies, for the migrants themselves, and for their families, and which policies to enact when influencing migration is deemed desirable from a social welfare point of view are themes that invite disciplined inquiry.

The main purpose of the School is to induce participants to think rigorously, creatively, and in non-conventional ways on various approaches to the modeling of migration choices and consequences, and to demonstrate to the participants how such a thinking process could enrich the spectrum of informed migration policies. Participants will be exposed to the art of economic modeling in general, and to the workings of applied microeconomic theory in particular.

The School’s core activity will be five lectures delivered by Professor Oded Stark. The topics to be covered will constitute a subset of migration-related topics researched by the lecturer, such as: stressful integration; social preferences and migration outcomes; migration, social welfare, and consensus income distribution; relative deprivation, relative risk aversion, and migration; assimilation; how many migrants to admit?; the impact of migration on the work effort and output of non-migrants in an economy with heterogeneous agents; the long shadow of home country variables; migration and human capital formation; the new economics of the brain drain; migration networks; and repercussions of migration for the receiving country. Articles related to the lectures will be distributed during the School.

Participants will be asked to submit an outline of a new paper related to the School’s theme within two weeks of the completion of the School. They will also be invited to contribute to and participate in a future Conference on the Analytics and Policy Design of Migration.

How to apply

School participants should be holders of Ph.D. in Economics earned during 2012-2016 or Economics Ph.D. students in advanced stages of their dissertation work.

Applicants are asked to submit, in a pdf format, their C.V. along with a sample article or a chapter in their Ph.D. dissertation to:

Dr. Ewa Kepinska
Coordinator of the Winter School

The cost of participation in the School, including return air travel via a direct route, accommodation, and meals will be covered by the School.

Джерело: https://qatar.sfs.georgetown.edu/faculty/winter-school


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