Міждисциплінарна програма Humanity in Action

Українські студенти і молоді випускники запрошуються до участі в програмі «Humanity in Action», яка передбачає 4-тижневе стажування в галузі прав людини, журналістики, громадянського суспільства.

Дати: 30 травня – 28 червня.

Місце: Варшава; Берлін

Дедлайн: 1 березня

Детальний опис англійською:

Humanity in Action fellowship programs will take place from May 30 – June 24, 2015 in five European cities simultaneously: Amsterdam, Berlin, Copenhagen, Paris and Warsaw. Additionally, participants of all those programs will meet during the sixth annual Humanity in Action International Conference, which will run from June 25 – June 28.
Intensive and demanding, the Humanity in Action fellowship programs bring together international groups of college/university students and recent graduates from United States and Europe to scrutinize human and minority rights, civil society, societal (in)justice and to explore national histories of discrimination and resistance, as well as to analyze issues that affect a variety of marginalized groups nowadays. Moreover, the ‘host’ country becomes the case-study for each of the programs (e.g. the Warsaw program will treat Poland as the main point of reference).

Humanity in Action Poland invites applications from Ukrainian university students and recent graduates interested in taking action in their communities and around the world. Humanity in Action Poland looks for participants who are committed to human rights, mature, proactive, self-reliant and those who feel comfortable in an intensive multicultural group activity and interaction. All majors and academic disciplines are encouraged to apply.

Humanity in Action Poland seeks applicants who are interested in:

  • deepening their knowledge in the human and minority rights issues (national/ethnic/religious, gender, LGBTQ) as well as their understanding of local, regional and global forces shaping the human rights regime;
  • analyzing the problem of hate speech and getting to know ways of counteracting it;
  • benefiting from taking part in a tailored-made training, focused on enhancing a variety of skills related to
  • educating on and promoting human and minority rights; and working on/experimenting with own innovative ideas for multimedia and social campaigns to counteract hate speech both on- and offline;
  • addressing human rights problems by taking some concrete actions in their communities;
    joining the national and international Humanity in Action network(s).

Eligible applicants are:

  • Ukrainian students and recent graduates (no earlier than 2013) of BA/MA/Postgraduate/PhD studies;
  • Proficient in English (as the programs are conducted in English);
  • Not older than 28.

Please note that short-term exchange students are not eligible to apply.
Experience in grass-root activism is not a must but would be considered as important asset.
Application Process
Humanity in Action Poland is now accepting applications from Ukrainian university students and recent graduates for the 2015 Humanity in Action Fellowship programs in Poland and Germany.
Candidates may apply to all programs, but will only be selected to participate in one of them.
The Polish Program will take place in Warsaw from May 30through June 24, 2015. The German Program will take place in Berlin during the same dates.
Additionally, all participants will take part in the sixth annual Humanity in Action International Conference, which will run from June 25- June 28 in the Hague, Netherlands.
The application deadline is March 1, 2015, 23.59 CET.
Джерело: http://www.humanityinaction.org/pages/220-call-for-applications

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