Волонтерство у Португалії

НГО “Стелла” пропонує круту можливість – унікальне волотерство у Португалії на тему активного громадянства!

Коли: травень 2021 – травень 2022 (12 місяців)

Де: Paredes, Portugal

Дедлайн: 28/03/21, 23:59

Embaixada da Juventude (EJ) is a dynamic non-profit youth organization that initiates and implements local projects of the positive social impact, particularly in the field of social inclusion and whereas young people have a central role.

Currently EJ has 3 main areas of activity: social entrepreneurship, project management and active citizenship.

The main aim of the volunteering project is to enhance young people’s participation, their inclusion and engagement in civil society by involving them in local cultural activities and non-formal learning programs that are run with and for young people, including young people with fewer opportunities, who are in the risk of social exclusion.

Throughout the project, they volunteers be actively involved in everyday activities in Embaixada da Juventude.

Thereby, the main activities will include organizing and implementing activities in the field of popularizing volunteering on local level among young people, shaping active participation, creating conditions for combining the values of Portuguese culture with the culture of other nations. Volunteers will be able to learn from professionals, as well as to implement their own initiatives and develop various competences.

Volunteers will have the opportunity to gain or improve different skills and knowledge in such area as project and time management, cultural awareness and expressions, communication and many others as they will be involved in organization and implementation of different activities and projects.

Our project will promote solidarity, volunteering, active citizenship, mutual understanding and participation of young people from vulnerable groups (for example, young migrants) and give them the opportunity to reflect about the value of volunteering. Working in a different country with a different language and culture will allow to promote a better understanding of multicultural environments, participation and European citizenship. The program of the activities would provide space for an intense social and communicative interaction between the volunteers, organizations and the local community. Participants will develop principles of youth inclusion, active citizenship, social cohesion, equity and diversity.

The main selection criteria are:

  • to be 18-30 y.o.;
  • to be motivated in the main idea of the project;
  • to be ready to interact with local people and have a deep cultural experience;
  • to have an interest in educational work, especially in the concept of non-formal and intercultural learning;
  • to be open-minded with an interest in community based projects, as well as openness towards living in small city;
  • to be tolerant, able to listen actively and willing to work in team, to have communicative English;
  • to be able to attend for the full duration of the volunteering project.

Фінансові умови

Проект фінансується за рахунок програми Європейський Корпус Солідарності. Усі витрати на візу, страхування, проживання, харчування та міжнародні транспортні витрати покриваються повністю. Також волонтер отримуватиме щомісячно кишенькові кошти та онлайн курси португальської мови.

How to apply?

Для того, щоб подати заявку на проект, будь ласка, надішліть своє CV та мотиваційний лист англійською мовою на evs@ngo-stella.org та поясніть вашу мотивацію участі у проекті.

В темі листа зазначте “Volunteering in EJ”.

Волонтерство змінює життя!

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