Термінова волонтерська вакансія у Польщі

Do you want to go to Poland and gain amazing experience useful in your professional life? Apply now, we have only 1 place!

Увага! Дедлайн для подачі на проект було подовжено партнерською організацією саме для українських волонтерів від НГО “Стелла”!

Коли: січень 2020 – січень 2021
Де: Люблін, Польща
Дедлайн: ASAP, заявки розглядатимуться по мірі надходження!

This project is about being part of team Centre of Youth Informations and Development and Sempre a Frente Foundation’s daily activities and life. By coordinating this project we give young people great chance to get lot of new experience in working in a group, preparing and making own activities and learning how to cooperate with youth. We also always want to learn something new from volunteer, so this place is a great chance and opportunity to make your own activities and initiatives. Volunteer will prepare content for Social Media, create own ideas and realize them as webinars. Run the workshops about multicultural educations and mobility of youth, making workshops of culture, languages or any other hobbies which could be interesting for youth in our Youth Center “Przystanek Sempre” and also at schools, universities, recreation centres etc. Volunteer is welcomed to learn with us to write project applications and be involved in other Foundation’s initiatives, apart CIRM.

We are looking for person which is between 18 and 30 years-old. Available to be part of project during 12 months. Willing to learn and develop the project under Non-Formal Educational methodologies. A person who is creative, can work in a group, has knowledge in the field of social media. Person which is interested in acquiring experience in local youth projects and willing to share personal interests, skills and values with young people in Poland.

If you are interested to join to this project, please send your CV with motivation letter on e-mail:
jagoda.janiec@sempre.org.pl and evs@ngo-stella.org. In tittle of message please write: “CIRM- ESC application”.

More info is here: https://sway.office.com/OrfQAmoM9lQfmlBn?ref=Link&fbclid=IwAR0zKG13S4XPAsK0nHaUMTtCww2bYIXrJSnekayoQUEbZvd2Lp22a1cty1s


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