Чудові довгострокові вакансії в Польщі на різний смак від НГО “Стелла”! Мотиваційний лист та CV не потрібні!
All of the projects start in September or October 2019, last 12 months, take place in Gdynia and the deadline for application is 16th of June. We do not collect any CV and motivations letters. All the candidates should fill just the online application form available in the links below:
City Public Library, supporting daily tasks of the institution and helping in organizing different events
Adapa Foundation, work with people with mental disability
Nursery School, work with children
Association for Children and Youth “Vitava”, work with kids and youngsters in day care centre
Saint Nicolas Bishop Association, work with children in day care centre
Social Welfare Home, work with elderly and disabled people
More information about your sending organization for the application form:
Name of the sending organization: Non-governmental organization “Kharkiv association for active youth “Stella”
PIC nr: 947609200
City and country of your sending organization: Kharkiv, Ukraine
Person in charge: Iryna Tomenko
E-mail of the person in charge: info@ngo-stella.org
Phone number of the person in charge: +380977156420
How did you get in touch with the sending organization? – I follow the activities of NGO Stella, and I also receive newsletters from the organization about the different opportunities. When I saw call on this project, I immediately decided to apply.
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