Довгострокове волонтерство у Польщі

Довгострокове волонтерство у Польщі від НГО “Стелла” у сфері навчання, культури та соціальної роботи!

Coordinating Organisation: Akwedukt Association

Where: Kwidzyn and Gardeja, North part of Poland

When: Autumn 2021 – project might be postponed of two months, depends of situation in Europe.

Duration: 12 months

Topics: Education/ Culture/ Social work

Deadline for applications: 31.12.2020


Our 12 months ESC programs allow young people to experience living abroad whilst learning and contributing to a world, with support from the European Solidarity Corps programme. This is a great opportunity to join meaningful work and learning while your food, accommodation, travelling, pocket money, insurance and mentorship are covered.

The main missions for the volunteer will be:

  1. Educational and pedagogical activities plus promoting non-formal education methods,
  2. European cultural openness and various forms of cultural education,
  3. Joint project with the 16 volunteers in the 8 different hosting places.

The volunteer will work full time with the team of the Hosting Organization from Monday to Friday, on minimum 32-hour week basis. They might be asked to take part in evening gatherings with the students and locals. From time to time, the volunteer will have the opportunity to work in associated schools, kindergartens and local institutions with the other ESC volunteers in order to build a common projects and events.

We are looking for motivated candidates 18-30 y.o. with a proactive, creative and problem-solving attitude, at least basic knowledge of English and organisational skills. A creative persons who enjoys speaking in front of a crowd and who is motivated to develop events and activities that strengthen the integration between Polish and international students, kids, youngsters. Ready to work with people in different age, not scared of daily routine.

The volunteer must be mature, open-minded and able to work based on his/her own initiative, but also work in close cooperation with the staff at the project. The volunteer should be prepared to work also in the evenings and sometimes weekends – depends of events. Much of the work, a volunteer will be doing, is to encourage young people to participate in civic life as well as to develop their personality and European identity.

All volunteer’s task: providing workshops according to volunteers skills, experiences, interests (movie, handcraft, IT, acting, ecology, languages, others), organizing after school activities for youngsters – leading language group, intercultural learning activities – culture evenings, and summer and winter camps for children and so on.

More info is here: https://bit.ly/34HRqg9

In order to apply, please, download the application form here: https://bit.ly/34HRqg9 and send it together with the CV to biuro@akwedukt.org.pl

Don’t forget to indicate that your Sending organization is KHARKIV NON-GOVERNMENTAL ASSOCIATION FOR ACTIVE YOUTH “STELLA” with the OID number E10185376.

Волонтерство змінює життя!

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