Програма для молодих театралів

Професійні актори та аматори, директори театрів, танцівники запрошуються до участі в літній програмі “Two Open Weeks of Plavo Theatre”. Для учасників із України передбачена грантова підтримка – безкоштовне проживання та відшкодування транспортних витрат у розмірі 100 євро.

Дати: 19 липня – 1 серпня.

Місце: Белград, Сербія.

Детальний опис англійською:

Two Open Weeks of Plavo Theatre is an international practical and theoretical program for people interested in work inside of a theatrical laboratory through specific methodology of Plavo Theatre.

In 2015 Plavo Theatre celebrates 20 years of work and existence as independent theatre group. The program Two Open Weeks of Plavo Theatre represents one of the anniversary events, since it has been realized every summer for already eleven years and therefore it has a special meaning for us.

During Two Open Weeks Plavo Theatre will open the doors of its theatrical laboratory, which will be an opportunity for participants to meet with its work through series of events: theatre workshops, performances, presentations, demonstrations, lectures, meetings, video presentations. The program will be divided in two parts, in two workshops, and participants will have the possibility to participate in the whole program or in the workshop by their choice. Our aim is to share with participants the idea of theatre as a place of communication, a place of self-researching and space of open mind where some important things about ourselves and the world that surrounds us could be said.

Participants will be introduced to Plavo Theatre methodology of work developed through years, which relies on laboratory theatre tradition and on human experience. This methodology puts into the background talent and artistic exhibitionism not only of actor but anyone who works in theatre and instead it puts forth inner, organic life of an individual which becomes a field of research and improvement.

The program is opened for professional and semi-professional actors, directors, other theatre artists, dancers, as well as theatre and dance students and other people who are interested in theatre or self-research using the theatrical tools.

After years of experience in theatre pedagogy, our program Two Open Weeks of Plavo Theatre was created out the need to bring closer our educational work to international participants and to make theatrical laboratory a place of intercultural communication, theatrical exchange and development. The program has been realized every summer in Belgrade since 2004 gathering participants from three continents. From one year to another, the program has been developed and enriched parallel with growth and development of Plavo Theatre.


Registration fees for participants coming from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Ukraine and Serbia Workshop ‘Dance of Memory’: 55€ Workshop ‘From Myself towards Theatre’: 65€ Complete program: 100€

Registration fees for participants coming from other countries Workshop ‘Dance of Memory’: 65€ Workshop ‘From Myself towards Theatre’: 75€ Complete program: 120€

Thanks to the support of the donors who sustained the program within PLAVO theatre 20th anniversary, we will provide additional support for participants coming from Central European countries: Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine and Serbia. Note: The number of participants is limited. There is no a specific application deadline. After sending us registration form and getting a confirmation from us about their participation, interested participants should pay the fee to our bank account in order to book their place. Please contact us for information including additional support, registration form or any practical information.

E-mails: plavopozoriste@gmail.com, plavopozoriste@hotmail.com.

Джерело: http://www.plavopozoriste.com/eng/edukacija/two-open-weeks-2015.htm

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