Волонтерство у Польщі для тих, хто любить фотографувати

Любите фотографувати та вмієте робити короткі відео? Цікавитеся просуванням інформації в соціальних мережах? Якщо так, то цей волонтерський проект від NGO “Stella” саме для вас!

When: 01/06/2019 – 31/05/2020 (12 months)

Where: Gdynya, Poland

Deadline: 14/04/2019

As a volunteer, with the support of the coordinator you will be responsible for creating different media materials like films, photos and texts regarding EVS and different local and international projects organized by our organization.

You will prepare promotion materials, photo/movie relations, gather the stories, make interviews etc. You will be involved in the whole process starting from proposing your own ideas, through the whole production and finishing on distribution of the materials in social media. All of the work will be based on a team work with co-workers.

Who can apply?

The Volunteer (18-30 years old) should be generally interested in social media -video marketing, should be creative, communicative, organized, be able to work independently and deliver his/her work on time. The volunteer should also like to work with different people, be open for people from different countries, in different age, with different background.

To sum up, the Volunteer should be open-minded to contribute with own creativity and willing to develop his/her personality.

It is welcome if the Volunteer has basic English skills and is willing to study Polish, which would help a lot in daily life of a volunteer and will enable him/her to be more involved into the organization’s life.

How to apply?

If you are interested in applying, please, fill the application form (you will find it here: http://cwm.org.pl/wolontariat-miedzynarodowy/531/2) before 14th April 2019.

More information about your sending organization for the application form:

Name of the sending organization: Non-governmental organization “Kharkiv association for active youth “Stella”

PIC nr: 947609200

City and country of your sending organization: Kharkiv, Ukraine

Person in charge: Iryna Tomenko

E-mail of the person in charge: info@ngo-stella.org

Phone number of the person in charge: +380977156420

How did you get in touch with the sending organization? – I follow the activities of NGO Stella, and I also receive newsletters from the organization about the different opportunities. When I saw call on this project, I immediately decided to apply.

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