PEACE ADVOCACY: тренінги у Франції з адвокації та вирішення конфліктів

Назва проєкту: PEACE ADVOCACY

Формат: Training Course | Strasbourg, France

Коли: 19-24 October 2020

Дедлайн: 21 серпня, результат відбору 19 вересня

Для кого: Youth workers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Volunteering mentors, Youth researchers

Peace advocacy – Training on strengthening the role of youth in advocacy for peace and peace-building process from the grassroots level

Мета проєкту:

The aim of the study session is to empower young people, from Europe and beyond, to take an active role in peace-building by equipping them with skills and competences in advocacy and conflict transformation.

Цілі проєкту:

  • Equip participants with skills and competences in non-violent methods and tools to foster peace process and transform conflicts nonviolently (based on the Council of Europe approach);
  • Explore advocacy as a tool for change and as a result gain new advocacy skills.
  • Increase knowledge of young people on human rights mechanisms that can be used in transforming conflict by raising awareness about legal instruments such as UNSCR 2250;
  • Create a common and safe space to share experiences, challenges and initiatives on local level;
  • Explore the role of youth in peace-building and possibilities of contribution from the grassroots level;
  • Establish the cooperation between young peacebuilders in Europe and beyond, and encourage them to advocate and plan common activities promoting a culture of peace at the Pan European, European, regional and local level.

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