Вакансія в галузі комп’ютерних наук

Університетський дослідницький центр паралельних обчислень Вестмінстерського університету шукає трьох дослідників у сфері хмарних обчислень на заміщення вакантних посад.

Термін роботи – до 31 березня 2021 року.

Дедлайн – 6 квітня 2018 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

The University Research Centre for Parallel Computing (CPC) at the University of Westminster is looking for three Research Associates in Cloud Computing to carry out research within the EU funded H2020 CloudiFacturing (Cloudification of Production Engineering for Predictive Digital Manufacturing) and COLA (Cloud Orchestration at the Level of Application – http://project-cola.eu/) projects.
CloudiFacturing is bringing and progressing advanced ICT in the field of cloud-based modelling and simulation, data analytics for online factory data, and real-time support to European manufacturing SMEs. COLA defines and provides a reference implementation of a generic and pluggable framework that supports the optimal and secure deployment and run-time orchestration of cloud applications.
The researchers will carry out tasks in relation to the development of novel cloud orchestration solutions, specifically targeting and supporting application developers, and will support manufacturing companies in the development of cloud-based solutions. Successful candidates will also be expected to contribute in writing project deliverables and research papers related to the project.
Expected experience includes knowledge of and experience with cloud middleware and infrastructures, good programming skills (preferably Java, Python is a bonus), and user-level knowledge of the Linux operating system. Experience in EU or national research projects and a track record of publications are an advantage.
The Centre for Parallel Computing is one of the leading research centres in distributed and parallel computation technologies. In particular, the CPC is engaged in research on Distributed Computing Infrastructures such as clouds, desktop and service grids.
The CPC has a well-established track record of securing research funding in large-scale collaborative research projects, leading and contributing to more than 12 projects in the last 8 years. From January 2017 the CPC is leading and coordinating the EU COLA project that will run until July 2019, and from October 2017 it contributes to the CloudiFacturing project that runs until March 2021.
For informal enquiries and further information please contact Dr Tamas Kiss (T.Kiss@westminster.ac.uk).
Job reference number: 50049273
Closing date:  06 April 2018
Interviews are likely to be held on 19 April 2018
To apply for this vacancy, click above. For further information about careers and benefits at the University of Westminster, please click on the following link: http://www.westminster.ac.uk/about-us/careers-westminster/vacancies
Administrative contact (for queries only): Recruitment@westminster.ac.uk
Please note: We are unable to accept any applications by email. All applications must be made online. CVs in isolation or incomplete application forms will also not be accepted.
We are fortunate to receive a large number of applications for our vacancies.  Regrettably, we are not able to provide feedback to those job applicants who were not shortlisted and invited for interview as it would simply not be manageable to do so.
Embracing diversity and promoting equality


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