Стажування в ОБСЄ у Києві

Позиція: OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine, Kyiv

Дедлайн: 19 вересня

Початок стажування: 11 жовтня

Вимоги до учасників:

  • вік до 30 років
  • вища освіта у сфері прав людини, міжнародних відносин або подібних галузей не пізніше 2019 р.
  • релевантний досвід у law, human rights, international relations, international development, public administration; the ability to cooperate with government officials and institutions, NGOs and international organizations would be an asset
  • робоча англійська мова

Background information

The RoL Programme of the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine (OSCE PCU) implements series of projects in partnership with national stakeholders aimed at upholding the rule of law, promoting and protecting human rights. In 2021, the RoL Programme provides expert advice and facilitates broad discussions on justice sector reforms, including judicial and legal education reforms. It continues efforts to improve access to justice through legal aid system development and promote a human-rights education in schools. For judges and other legal professionals, it helps introduce sustainable courses with a focus on human rights and other OSCE commitments. It works
closely with civil society to support trial monitoring in line with best international and national practice. Key partners include the Constitutional and the Supreme courts, the Parliament, the School of Judges, the Ombudsman, the ministries of Justice and Education, and law schools.

Tasks and Responsibilities

The Intern will provide assistance to the RoL Programme of the OSCE PCU under the direct supervision of the Programme Manager to deliver the following:

  • Prepare and consolidate reports, overviews, briefs, PowerPoint presentations, other documents, information and analytical materials on request of the Programme Manager;
  • Prepare draft correspondence to stakeholders with regard to relevant projects;
  • Perform written Ukrainian/English translations;
  • Attend project-related events;
  • Perform other duties as assigned.

Necessary Qualifications

  • Applicants should be under the age of 30 on the deadline of this vacancy;
  • Have completed two years of full-time post-secondary education in an accredited institution or have completed a first or advanced degree in law, human rights, international relations, public administration or related field, not earlier than in 2019;
  • Relevant professional experience in the spheres of law, human rights, international relations, international development, public administration; the ability to cooperate with government officials and institutions, NGOs and international organizations would be an asset;
  • Organizational, multi-tasking and analytical skills; drafting skills would be an asset;
  • Computer literacy with familiarity with Microsoft Office applications, including Excel spreadsheets, Powerpoint, word processing and e-mail;
  • Demonstrated open-mindedness, flexibility and high motivation;
  • Excellent English and Ukrainian language skills, both oral and written, and the ability to communicate clearly and concisely is mandatory (interviews will be conducted);
  • Willingness to embrace the OSCE core values and competencies;
  • Awareness of the importance of integrating a gender perspective into tasks and activities;
  • Ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people of different national, cultural and religious backgrounds whilst maintaining impartiality and objectivity

Remuneration Package:

The selected intern may participate in the group health insurance scheme at his/her own expense. The OSCE will cover life and accident/disability insurance. If the intern opts to arrange his/her own medical coverage, he/she shall provide evidence of medical coverage for the duty station he/she applies to, and for any eventual duty trip destinations.

Please note that the OSCE is not in a position paying any remuneration during the period of internship nor reimburse travel expenses. Some compensation towards the cost of living may be offered to interns who do not reside in the place of assignment.

This position is for residents of Ukraine only. Please use the online application system at https://vacancies.osce.org; the Vacancy/Requisition Number is RUL00000N. The deadline for applications is 19 September 2021. We strongly encourage to use Google Chrome to ensure the correct display of the website content. Applications received after the published deadline and off line applications will not be considered. Due to the high volume of applications, only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

The OSCE retains the discretion to re-advertise the vacancy, to cancel the recruitment, to offer an appointment with a modified job description or for a different duration. The internship does not constitute a commitment to future employment with the OSCE.

The OSCE is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious, ethnic and social backgrounds to apply to become a part of the organization.

Candidates should be aware that OSCE officials shall conduct themselves at all times in a manner befitting the status of an international civil servant. This includes avoiding any action, which may adversely reflect on the integrity, independence and impartiality of their position and function as officials of the OSCE. The OSCE is committed to applying the highest ethical standards in carrying out its mandate. For more information on the values set out in OSCE Competency Model, please see https://jobs.osce.org/resources/document/our-competency-model

Please be aware that the OSCE does not request payment at any stage of the application and review process.


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