Тренінговий курс “On the move. Experiential education for social inclusion”

Організація “Non-formal education for youth” шукає учасників проекту в Італії.

Дати: 12.09.2018 (Arrival day) – 20.09.2018 (Departure day)
Місце: Serra Guarneri resort in the province of Palermo

Дедлайн – 20 липня.

Детальний опис англійською:

“On the move. Experiential education for social inclusion” project is a training course for youth workers, youth educators, organizations and institutions interested in professionalizing their work with youth at risk of exclusion and specializing it into outdoor education.
During the training participants will develop and deepen their knowledge to support excluded youth in the development of leadership competencies and communication skills as well as teamwork, widening their comfort zone and learning a proactive and healthy attitude in the community and renewing the contact with nature. It has been proved the Outdoor education can be particularly effective when dealing with youth at risk of exclusion. Outdoor Education creates a context with strong and specific settings that are facilitating the learning process. It is a holistic approach, meaning that it requires involvement of learners’ whole BEING (physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual).
The main goal of the project is to develop the competences of youth workers in the inclusion of socially excluded youngsters through outdoor and experiential education.

The specific objectives are:

  • empower youth workers through knowledge and tools, practical training methods and coaching sessions for the inclusion of disadvantaged young people through outdoor education
  • increase the involvement of young people at risk of social exclusion through their involvement in youth projects and experiential learning
  • create space for the exchange of experiences between partner organizations and expand the knowledge and application of methodologies for social inclusion through outdoor activities in Europe.


Participants’ selection will be done based on the following criteria

  • youth workers and leaders engaged in their organisation and in the local community
  • they have interest and experience in working for excluded or vulnerable youth (migrants, people with special needs, youth coming from disadvantaged conditions at geographical, social or economical level)
  • availability to take part in the full length of the training and to be involved in the preparation phase
  • capacity to share the knowledge gained during the training and competence to guide the implementation of a follow-up workshops
  • motivation to develop their skills and competencies in leadership, coaching, outdoor, social inclusion
  • English speaking proficiency


Financial conditions:

  • Food and accommodation will be covered for the entire project 100%.
  • We will reimburse 100% of travel costs within the maximum amount covered by Italian National Agency 360 EUR


Джерело: https://www.facebook.com/NFE4Y/


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