Короткострокове еко-волонтерство у Нідерландах від НГО Стелла!

Place: Ommen, the Netherlands

Dates: 11th of January 2021 (arrival day) – 12th of March 2021 (departure day)

Age: 18-30 years old

Deadline: as soon as possible

Увага! Волонтерство стане можливим, якщо можна буде перетинати кордони за біометричним паспортом.

Wider Horizon is a short-term volunteering project (2 months) for people between 18 and 30 years old who are unemployed for a while or want to take time to find out what they want to do in their life.

A place to live and a bike are provided by Olde Vechte Foundation. The volunteers receive €5 pocket money/day and €5 living money (enough to buy your food in the Netherlands)/day. The travel money (€275) for coming here and going back is provided by European Solidarity Corps.

They will have activity hours every day – focused on doing practical tasks around Ommen: could be a horse farm, camping site, group accommodation, farms, second hand shop etc.

Sometimes they go with 2-3 other people to a workplace by bike, other times they go with the entire group of volunteers by a 9-person minivan. They have 4 days to take off/ 2 months and the weekends are free to enjoy the time as they like.

Wider Horizon is a project with great impact on the local society and an empowering experience for the participants

If you want to apply please send your CV and the application form by e-mail to info.oldevechte@gmail.com, don’t forget to mention that your sending organization is NGO Stella.

Info Letter | https://www.dropbox.com/s/phxediamz8c6tfo/WH-january.pdf?dl=0

Application Form | https://www.dropbox.com/s/hwjysa7536a4nuz/ESC%20Wider%20Horizon%20Short%20Term%20Application%20Form.docx?dl=0

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