Тренінговий курс “New qualities – Better results”

Тренінговий курс розраховано на молодіжних працівників, які потребують нових інструментів для вирішення конфліктів під час роботи з молоддю.

Дати: 20 – 27 жовтня 2015 року.

Місце: Torosgyugh, Armenia

Дедлайн: 30 вересня.

Детальний опис англійською:

The 8-day training course “New qualities – Better results” aims providing the youth workers with the skills and tools to demonstrate a more constructive and systematic approach when dealing with conflicts in youth work.

The 8-day training course “New qualities – Better results” aims providing the youth workers with the skills and tools to demonstrate a more constructive and systematic approach when dealing with conflicts in youth work.

The objectives of the TC are as follows:

  • to develop the participants’ knowledge and understanding about the youth work – its ideology and context in general by means of theoretical and practical workshops, presentations, simulation games and exercises;
  • to give the participants knowledge and understanding on the types of conflict that can arise when working with youth and to provide with the mechanisms to effectively overcome them with the help of the experienced trainers and by means of well-known and recognized practical and theoretical tools and methods;
  • to share the best practices in the field of youth work and better management of work with youth by means of providing space to the participants to share the stories and experience from their own work realities;
  • to build partnership between youth-driven organizations in EU and EaP to further enhance participation of young people.

The training course will be based on the principles of non-formal learning and the main education methods used will be: getting started with energizers, brainstorming sessions, active discussion and experience sharing, work in small groups and interactive presentations of the work results, role-plays and simulations, using open space technique for project development, etc. One of the outputs of the project will be a developed scenario for a forum theatre on a conflict situation in youth work that will be performed in the host community and later shared among partners for further use.

Джерело: https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/european-training-calendar/training/new-qualities-better-results.5265/

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