Семестр за обміном у Тартуському університеті для філологів

Нарвський коледж Тартуського університету оголошує про можливість постажуватися! Мета програми – поділитися найкращими здобутками у галузі багатомовної освіти. Програма розрахована на магістрів педагогічних спеціальностей (спеціалізація – філологія).

Дедлайн – 30 вересня 2017 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

The aim of the semester scholarship is to introduce and promote best Estonian practices in multilingual education as well as build closer international ties in the field of education and teacher training between Estonia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine. The scholarships are funded by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs from Estonian Development Cooperation programme.

The international semester programme “CLIL Methodology and Multilingual Education” at Narva College of the University of Tartu is designed for students who want to become the top-tier professionals in the 21st century schools. The programme acknowledges the perspective of classrooms becoming more multilingual, either as a result of different local languages or of people moving more and more across Europe.

The 30 ECTS semester programme introduces one of the leading methodologies for multilingual learning environments, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) methodology, and also provides a broader perspective on the multilingual education model and its Estonian examples.

The programme is for you, if…

  • You are a master’s student of Education, Teacher Training or any similar discipline.
  • You study to become a language teacher or you see yourself teaching in a classroom where the language used at school is not the mother tongue of some or all of the pupils.
  • You want to bring a valuable input into the education system of your country
  • You are interested in broadening your horizons and learning about other societies and school systems

With any questions, please contact:

Mr. Ivan Polynin
International Relations Specialist
+372 740 1922

What we offer  

To participate the international semester programme “CLIL Methodology and Multilingual Education” at Narva College of the University of Tartu in spring semester 2018, altogether 10 scholarships are provided for the 10 best applicants, regardless of their country (i.e. there are no country quotas applied).

Value of one scholarship

  • The total scholarship is 2000 euros, paid to the student in the following way: 800 euros in the beginning of February, 400 euros in the beginning of March, April and May
  • No tuition fee

For whom  

Applicants must meet all the following application criteria:

  1. Hold a citizenship or permanent resident status of Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, or Ukraine.
  2. Be enrolled as a master’s student of Education, Teacher Training or any similar discipline at a university in Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, or Ukraine.
  3. Demonstrate high academic achievements with an average of 4.0 in 5-point scale, or comparable equivalent in other grading scales.
  4. Provide a certificate of English proficiency at a minimum level of B2 (as set by CEFR). Official language tests (IELTS, TOEFL, etc.) are recommended, but other certificates are also accepted.

Джерело і посилання на аплікаційні вимоги: http://www.narva.ut.ee/en/semesterscholarships

Фото – Cathryn Lavery

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