Молодіжний форум “Nantes Creative Generations (NCG) Forum”

Учасники з країн-членів Ради Європи (до яких входить і Україна) запрошуються до участі у заході “Nantes Creative Generations (NCG) Forum”.

Дати: 25 – 28 жовтня 2017 року.

Місце: Нант, Франція.

Дедлайн: 1 червня 2017 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

Who can participate?

These are the conditions to participate to the Forum:

  • To be aged between 18 and 30 years old
  • To live and/or develop a project in Nantes Métropole or a Member state of the Council of Europe (+ Belarus)
  • To present a concrete initiative
  • To fill in the application form to be launched every year in spring.

Selection of projects :

Each year, 30 projects are presented : 10 from Nantes and 20 from all of Europe

  • Projects must contribute to strengthen the notion of “living together”, involve a “citizenship” approach in tits general sense and develop an original approach.
  • They can be linked to a large range of thematics : environment, health, education, culture, sport, intercultural dialogue, fight again discriminations, media, etc.
  • Projects must be concrete initiatives (Or at least in an advanced stage of reflection if not yet realized)

The call for applications is launched every year from March to June.
Projects to participate to the Forum are selected by a jury in June and notified in July.

Useful information

  •  The 2017 Forum takes place on October 25-28 in Nantes-France. The Forum starts on wednesday evening and ends on saturday early afternoon.
  • English is the official language.
  • Transport, accommodation and food costs of European participants are covered by Nantes Métropole (Maximum 2 participants per project).
  • Please note that selected participants are asked to book their transport tickets themselves. The organization will then refund travel expenses up to 400 Euros per person, according to the original receipts and tickets sent by the participants. Refunds are provided approximatively 2 months after the Forum.

Джерело: http://www.nantescreativegenerations.eu/en/forum/presentation/

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1 Відповідь

  1. А какие вопросы будут обсуждаться на форуме?

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