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Що: Youth and Museums #MuseoJoven Open Debates

Коли: 22-29 September 2020

Формат: Seminar, ONLINE

Країна-організатор: Spain

Дедлайн: 18 вересня, результат про відбір 21 вересня

Для кого: Youth workers, Youth leaders, Museum professionals and young people preferably between 18 and 30 years interested in the field of culture and/or museums.

Within the framework of the Youth and Museums Seminar will be two open debate sessions with the goal of generating a meeting space for youth workers, young people, and museum professionals.

Following the two previous editions of “Other Museums Generation: Youth at the Museums”, the Spanish National Agency for Youth is organizing the seminar “Youth and Museums #MuseoJoven Seminar”. And within this new edition there will be two open debate sessions with the goal of generating a meeting space for youth workers, young people, and museum professionals with the intention of reflecting upon their relationship and bringing them closer together.

The open debates will take place in two parts (Tuesday 22/9, 9h30 – 13h CEST and Tuesday 29/9, 15h-18h30 CEST) both with the same structure:

– introduction

– brainstorming about topics to debate

– thematic debates in several rounds

– conclusions

During the sessions, we will share experiences in relation to the work of bringing young people and museums together, reflect upon the challenges and opportunities in this area, and collaboratively collect ideas and conclusions from the debates.

These open online sessions will happen through an online platform on.


– Share experiences and analyze the challenges and opportunities in the collaboration between youth professionals, young people, and museums.

– Collect experiences and ideas.

– Generate synergies between the participants.


The methodology of the open debates will be based on Non-Formal Education (NFE). One of the principles of NFE is horizontal and peer learning, which means that knowledge is built collectively and trainers function as facilitators for the group process rather than as content providers. In these contexts, diversity of backgrounds, experiences, perspectives contribute to the group´s learning and development. We will learn through dialogue while encouraging critical thinking. NFE is a highly participatory methodology.


– Professionals in the youth field.

– Young people between 18 and 30 years interested in the field of culture and/or museums.

– Museum professionals.

Participants should:

– be at least 18 years old;

– have sufficient language skills to be able to communicate in English

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