Молодіжний обмін “Multicultural Game”

НГО “Стелла” шукає учасників молодіжного обміну, що відбудеться у Чехії у вересні. Серед цілей обміну – підсилити міжкультурну обізнаність учасників.

Дедлайн – 9 липня.

Детальний опис англійською:

Dates: 15-09-2017 – 21-09-2017

Place: Stare Splavy, Czech republic

Type: youth exchange

Participants: 6

Deadline: 09-07-2017


  1. Enhance intercultural awareness, promote tolerance and solidarity and respect among participants improve linguistic skills
  2. Design Multicultural Game in 6 versions (for 6 different ages from 10 – 15)
  3. Test the game at local secondary school
  4. Improve competences of involved EVS volunteers and group leaders (daily morning meetings)


The youth Exchange project Multicultural Game aims at promoting multiculturality, tolerance and solidarity among youngsters via engaging them in multicultural game which will be designed by participants of the project under the guidance of experienced facilitators during the project.

Participants coming from 7 different EU and non-EU countries will spend one week in September 2017 in beautiful countryside of Northern Bohemia designing the multicultural game for different age target groups.

The design of the game will be tested at the end of the mobility with youngsters from local schools.

The methodics of the game will be develop along the project and each partner will be able to take the game back to their countries to further use it for their own youth work.


  • be 18-20 years old for particіpants and no limit age for the group leader
  • be interested in the main topic of the youth exchange
  • have good English language skills in order to achieve the objectives of the activities
  • be able to write a report in English and Ukrainian after the project is over

Financial conditions

This project is financed by Erasmus+ Programme:

  • Travel costs are 100 % covered within the limit according to the rules of Erasmus+ proramme
  • Food and accommodation will be covered for the entire project – 100%
  • Fee – 30 euros

Джерело та аплікаційна формаhttp://ngo-stella.org/projects/Multicultural-Game

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