Онлайн-зустріч: MOVE IT – Мобільність молоді в цифрову епоху

Коли: 26 травня – 17 червня 2020

Де: online, Germany

Що: online event “MOVE IT – Youth mobility in the digital era“

Захід присвячений європейській та міжнародній молодіжній мобільності. Основний фокус: процеси діджиталізації мобільності молоді, такої як програми Erasmus + Youth in Action та Європейського корпусу солідарності.

Цей захід надихне учасників, дасть розуміння про останні тенденції в сфері цифрових можливостей та надасть платформу для обміну ідеями. Саме це буде формувати майбутнє цифрової мобільності молоді!

Дедлайн: 17 травня

Програма заходу

Digital and smart youth work in general have been widely debated and conceptualised over the last years, long before COVID-19 catapulted the topic into the spotlight. This online event will focus specifically on european and international youth mobility which, so far, has not been at the centre of the debates. It will further focus on digitalisation processes within and surrounding European youth mobility activities such as Erasmus+ Youth In Action or European Solidarity Corps projects.

From keynote speech to Online BarCamp and from webinars to live Q&A, the “MOVE IT – Youth mobility in the digital era“ online event will inspire participants, update them on the latest trends and give them a platform for exchange of ideas. And it will shape the future of digital youth mobility!  

How are digital tools used to support international youth mobility? Do digital and technological solutions hold the potential to further develop youth mobility, inclusion and participation? How do shakers and makers deal with “digital“ and where do they see hindrances and opportunities?

The format: 2 blocks and 7 dates

  • The first block provides an overview of the current state of research on digital youth work (feat. first conclusions for international mobility activities). The opening and keynote speech will be followed by an Online BarCamp where participants can discuss and exchange experiences on a peer-to-peer level. How to cope with the challenges posed by COVID-19? Are digital and virtual solutions enough (and why not)? Personal experience with online and digital tools for organising and implementing international mobility will also be presented. Four webinars, each including a live Q&A part, will further explore existing approaches and inspire participants to look at the potentials they could use.
  • The second block focusses on the future to look at how digital formats will or could change the ways youth workers deal with young people in the future. An input on how international youth mobility and youth work could look like in 2030 should lead to a vivid exchange of visions. The debate will show whether there is common ground regarding the direction international youth mobility could and should take on a local, national and European level.

Деталі та реєстрація тут.


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