Резидентська програма для творців медіаарту

Представники мистецтва нових медіа запрошуються до участі в програмі від Агенства у справах культури та Уряду Японії. Відібрані кандидати зможуть поїхати до Токіо та поспілкуватися з японськими колегами.

Дедлайн – 19 серпня 2-16 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

This program, as a part of the “Project to Support the Nurturing of Media Arts Creators” organized by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan (Bunka-cho), is an artist in residence program that provides an opportunity to outstanding young artists in Media Arts (Media Geijutsu) including Media art, Video, Game, Animation, Manga, etc. from around the world to come to Tokyo and create new works while directly interacting with Japanese creators and Media Arts culture in Japan. It aims to promote both the creation of excellent works and a better understanding of Japanese Media Arts.

Target fields

Media Arts (Media Geijutsu) including Media Art, Video, Game, Animation, Manga etc.


Either of the periods below:

a)December 1st, 2016 to March 10th, 2017 (100 days)
b)January 20th, 2017 to March 10th, 2017 (50 days)

Program summary

a) Creation of a new work: participants will begin a new work while in Japan and present the finished work or one part of a work in progress at the end of their stay.

b) Education/training: participants will present the progress of their work being created as part of the program and will receive guidance from accomplished Japanese experts on a regular basis.

c) Visits/exchange events: participants will visit Media Arts creators and studios and participate in exchange events with artists and students enrolled in art programs at educational institutions.

Джерело: http://creatorikusei.jp/?page_id=2764

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