Стипендія для магістратури Університету Кента (Великобританія)

Стипендія на навчання в магістратурі в бізнес-школі Університету Кента (Великобританія). Дедлайн: 31.08.2019

Kent Business School Hardship Bursary

Awards of up to £3,000

Kent Business School is pleased to offer a range of hardship bursaries to Home, EU and Overseas postgraduate taught students who require financial support in order to undertake and complete their master’s studies.


  • This funding is available to all applicants who are applying for a Kent Business School Masters programme
  • Any bursary award will be determined based on an assessment of your supporting hardship statement

A hardship bursary can only be considered after you have submitted a formal application to study onto a Master’s programme at Kent Business School and received a formal offer for 2019 entry

How to apply

You can apply for the bursary via your Applicant Portal by submitting a supporting statement describing your current circumstance, detailing why you require the extra funding and should be considered for a hardship bursary.


The deadline for bursary applications for September 2019 entry is 31 August 2019

Decisions of bursary awards are made on a monthly basis by the Scholarship Panel. If your application is successful, you will be notified within five working days of the panel’s decision.

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