Тренінг у Грузії

НГО Стелла шукає 4 участників на тренінг в Грузії, основною метою якого буде озброїти молодіжних працівників та лідерів навичками для розвитку суспільних ініціатив.
Дедлайн – 11 серпня.
Детальний опис англійською:

Call for 4 Ukrainian participants for the training course „Master Erasmus+ YiA“ which will take place in Bakuriani between 03 – 10 October, 2018

The Training Course “Master Erasmus+ YiA” will bring together representatives of youth organizations, youth workers, young leaders and active young people from 8 countries: Poland, Georgia, Armenia, Italy, Turkey, Ukraine, Bulgaria and Lithuania.

It will be based on the principles of non-formal learning and the main education methods used will be: getting started with energize rs, brainstorming sessions, active discussion and experience sharing, work in small groups and interactive presentations of the work results, role-plays and etc. Training course will take place in Bakuriani/Georgia and most of the activities will be done there. We will have a team reflections in different ways after sessions in the evening and final evaluation.

TC “Master Erasmus+ YiA”: aims to empower youth workers, (facilitators, coordinators members of NGO’s, etc.) from 8 different countries and equip them with project writing and management skills to take actions and develop initiatives by themselves at local and international level. The TC also has really important and interesting objectives.

Project Objectives 

  • To explore the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme with a special focus on quality activities and international cooperation;
  • to understand the role of the Erasmus+/YiA Programme within a long term local strategy;
  • To develop participant’s competences in planning Non Formal Education and Intercultural Learning processes;
  • To empower participants with quality project writing and management skills to take actions and develop initiatives by themselves at local and international level.
  • To develop key competences of skilful project writer, managers, coordinators by means of sharing knowledge and best practices, tips and tricks for filling Erasmus+ application.

Youth workers and youth leaders who are willing to actively participate in the whole duration of the TC, should:

  • be 18+ years old
  • be interested in the main topic of the TC
  • have good English language skills in order to achieve the objectives of the activities
  • be capable and willing to develop and implement follow up project
  • be able to write a report in English and Ukrainian after the project is over

The project is financed by Erasmus+ Programme:
Travel costs are 100 % covered within the limit according to the rules of Erasmus+ proramme
Food and accommodation will be covered for the entire project – 100%
Fee – 30 euros, there is exptra fee of 15 euro which will be deducted from travel reimbursment (short excursion during the training and dinner out are planned. So it will be the contribution of participants to these events.)

If you would like to apply please fill in the form https://goo.gl/hBtMyc untill 11 August 2018.

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