Конкурс есе «Many languages, one world»

Студенти, які навчаються на денному відділенні, можуть подаватия на участь у конкурсі есе «Many languages, one world». Переможець отримає можливість відвідати Нью-Йорк.

Дедлайн: 25 березня.

Детальний опис англійською:

70 Students will be selected as delegates to the 2015 United Nations Academic Impact Global Youth Forum where they will create plans of action related to the United Nations Post-2015 Global Development Agenda. The students will present these plans of action at United Nations Headquarters in New York City.

Airfare, Room and Meals will be provided by ELS Educational Services, Inc.

To participate:
Write an essay (2,000 words or less) related to the post-2015 global development agenda, in the context of the 70th anniversary of the United Nations, and the definition of new goals reflecting the imperative of global sustainable development that recognises, and is enriched by, cultural and linguistic diversity. You are encouraged to visit the website sustainabledevelopment.un.org for background material in this regard.

Entries must be in an official language of the United Nations that is not your first language and was not your principal language of instruction during your primary or secondary education. To enter, you must be a full-time university student and must be 18 years of age or older by March 25, 2015. Your participation must be sponsored by a Faculty Member or Authorized Representative at the university you are currently attending.

Джерело: http://www.els.edu/en/ManyLanguagesOneWorld

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1 Відповідь

  1. 16 Квітня, 2017

    […] Конкурс есе «Many languages, one world» […]

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