Онлайн-курс для майбутніх менеджерів проєктів Erasmus Plus

Що: онлайн-курс “Project manager in Erasmus Plus”

Дати: 1-12 July 2020

Формат: Online

Країна: Romania

Дедлайн: 29 червня

The online course Project Manager in Erasmus Plus will familiarise you with the basic concepts of project management applied in Erasmus+ projects.

We will cover some basic information on the following topics:  general approach in project management, roles/responsibilities of a project manager, specific tools, the structure of an Erasmus+ project, planning tools, team coordination, quality management, communication in projects, risk management, dissemination and exploitation of results, follow up initiatives, stakeholders’ engagement, conflict management, monitoring and control, closing, evaluation, reports etc.

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