Литва: повна урядова стипендія на магістратуру

Назва стипендії: Full-Time Master Degree Studies

Кількість стипендій для українців: 30

Реєстрація заповнити аплікаційну форму онлайн: https://apply.scholarships.lt/

Дедлайн подачі документів на перший відбірковий етап: 3 травня 2020 р.

Дедлайн подачі документів на другий етап (лише для відібраних кандидатів): 12 липня 2020 р.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Candidate must be a citizen of one of the following countries: the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Belarus, the People’s Republic of China, Georgia, the State of Israel, Japan, the Republic of Korea, foreigners of Lithuanian origin, the Republic of Moldova and the Republic of Ukraine or be a foreigner of Lithuanian origin. A foreigner of Lithuanian origin cannot hold citizenship of any EU or EEA country.
  2. Candidate must hold a bachelor’s degree.
  3. Candidate must have an official letter of acceptance or pre-acceptance for full-time Master’s degree studies from a Lithuanian higher education institution.
  4. Candidate must have a good knowledge of Lithuanian, English, or other language in which the study programme is being conducted (a minimum of a B2 level of command of the language of instruction according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
  5. A scholarship can be granted only once. A candidate who has already received funding under this instrument will not be eligible.
  6. A scholarship cannot be granted to a candidate who is studying or planning to study in an international joint degree programme with a portion of the studies (as a mandatory mobility period) being in the candidate’s home country.

Вибрати навчальну програму: http://studyin.lt/universities/

Джерело та більше інформації: http://studyin.lt/scholarships/full-time-master-degree-studies/

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