Литва: 30 повних урядових стипендій на навчання в магістратурі

Назва стипендії: Lithuanian State Scholarships Programme

Кількість стипендій і на яку програму: 30 стипендій для громадян України, на Full-Time Master Degree Studies

Фінансування: оплата навчання +  400 євро на місяць

Дедлайн подачі: 7 травня 2021, дізнаєтеся результат 4 серпня

Важливо: спочатку треба вступити до вишу, а потім податися на цю стипендію

Виші і навчальні програми магістратури в Литві: https://studyin.lt/study-programmes/

Вимоги до кандидатів:

1. Candidate must be a citizen of one of the following countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Georgia, Israel, Japan, South Korea, a foreigner of Lithuanian origin from non-EU and EFTA countries, Moldova and Ukraine.
2. Candidate must hold a Bachelor’s degree or have received no less than 210 ECTS of integrated studies at a Lithuanian higher education institution.
3. Candidate must have an official letter of acceptance or pre-acceptance for full-time Master’s degree studies from a Lithuanian higher education institution.
4. Candidate must have a good knowledge of Lithuanian, English, or other language in which the study programme is being conducted (a minimum of a B2 level of command of the language of instruction according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
5. The state scholarship can be granted only once. A candidate who has already received funding under this instrument will not be eligible.
6. The state scholarship cannot be granted to a candidate who is studying or planning to study in an international joint degree programme with a portion of the studies (as a mandatory mobility period) being in the candidate’s home country.
7. The state scholarship cannot be granted to a candidate who has already received a Master’s degree.

Аплікаційний процес:

First selection round: A candidate should apply through the online application system and enclose listed scanned documents. All information in the application must be provided in English or Lithuanian.

Second selection round (ONLY for those who successfully passed the first selection round): A candidate should submit a document certifying the completion of education at a higher education institution or adequate education (diploma and its supplement and its translation into Lithuanian or English) to the Lithuanian higher education institution. The Higher education institution will provide assessment results of the candidate’s academic achievements (with all additional required information) to the Education Exchanges Support Foundation.

For the first selection round (deadline: 7 MAY, 2021):

  1. Personal and contact information (data should be filled in via the online application system);
  2. A signed Declaration of Honour;
  3. A document certifying the level of command of the language of instruction: a document issued by a competent institution (e. g. home institution, host institution, language centre or school, etc.) certifying a minimum of a B2 level of command of the language of instruction according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
  4. Letter of motivation (must be filled in via the online application system).
    Please prepare a letter of motivation that includes the following information:
    1. Describe your experience and achievements which are related to the chosen study programme in Lithuania.
    2. Please explain why you chose a particular study programme and higher education institution in Lithuania.
    3. Please describe how, in your opinion, you will benefit from studies in Lithuania in terms of your future career and personal development.
    4. Please describe why you are a suitable candidate for the Lithuanian State scholarship.
  5. One recommendation letter (must be provided through the online application system or added to the application form as an attachment. It is recommended to use this format.
  6. For full-time Master’s degree studies: a copy of the acceptance or pre-acceptance letter issued by a Lithuanian higher education institution certifying that the candidate was admitted to or is studying in a full-time Master’s degree study programme, including the candidate’s name, surname, the study programme in which the candidate studies and its state code, and the candidate’s study period. For full-time integrated studies: a copy of the confirmation letter issued by a Lithuanian higher education institution certifying that the candidate is studying integrated study programme, including the candidate’s name, surname, the study programme which the candidate studies and its state code, the candidate’s study period. The confirmation letter issued by the Higher Education Institution should include the information about the number of credits acquired during the 1st cycle of studies (no less than 210 ECTS credits) and should confirm that the candidate fulfilled all 1st cycle requirements.
  7. For foreigners of Lithuanian origin: applicants must submit a certificate or other document proving his/her Lithuanian origin, issued by the Lithuanian community of a respective country or other competent authority (such as an embassy or similar).

For the second selection round (deadline: 12 JULY, 2021)

ONLY for those who successfully passed the first selection round:

  1. A document certifying the completion of education at a higher education institution or adequate education (diploma and enclosure thereto) and its translation into Lithuanian or English. If the candidate has completed first-cycle studies but has not received a certificate (diploma and enclosure thereto), he/she can submit the certificate of a higher education institution based in a foreign country, specifying the study programme completed, courses or modules passed, their credits and assessments, and the assessment of the final examination or theme of the final project and its assessment. Its translation into Lithuanian or English should be attached.
  2. A candidate may be asked to provide additional documentation.

Note:  In case a candidate has already started his/her full-time Master’s degree or the 2nd cycle of integrated studies in Lithuania, the Higher Education Institution is going to provide to the Education Exchanges Support Foundation candidate’s information about the courses or modules passed, and their credits and assessments in addition to Bachelor or 1st cycle of integrated studies achievements.

Selection of the candidates:

All eligible and complete applications are assessed by experts. The final decision on granting the State Scholarship to candidates will be based on:

  1. Applicant’s motivation (30 %);
  2. The level of command of the language of instruction (20 %);
  3. Academic achievements (50 %):• Candidates for full-time Master’s degree studies in Lithuania: Bachelor degree academic achievements;
    • Students of full-time Master’s degree studies in Lithuania: Bachelor degree academic achievements and academic results of passed courses and modules during the 1st year of the full-time Master’s degree study programme;
    • Integrated study programme students: 1st cycle academic achievements (academic results of the passed courses and modules during the 1st cycle of the integrated study programme).
  4. Recommendation.


  • Priority will be given to candidates who are planning to or have already started their full-time Master degree in the Lithuanian language.
  • Priority will be given to candidates who are foreigners of Lithuanian origin.
  • Priority will be given to candidates who hold a Bachelor or Professional Bachelor degree of a Lithuanian higher education institution.
  • Priority will be given to candidates who are planning to study or are already studying: Mathematics; Informatics; Physical sciences; Life sciences; Engineering; Technological Sciences; Health sciences; Veterinary sciences; Agriculture; Education sciences; Art; Sport.

After the first selection round candidates will be informed about the selection results by e-mail no later than July 1, 2021.

After the second selection round candidates about the selection results will be informed by e-mail no later than August 4, 2021.

Джерело і деталі: https://studyin.lt/scholarships/full-time-master-degree-studies/

Джерело фото: Jisoo Kim з unsplash.com

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