Стажування в Лівані на тему скелелазіння

Назва позиції: сlimbing Instructor / Project Manager

Дедлайн подачі заявки: 15 грудня

Термін стажування: квітень – жовтень 2020

Місце: Ліван

Детальний опис позиції:

Are you looking for an opportunity to make a difference? Want to share your love for climbing with some of the world’s most vulnerable youth?

We are looking to hire a passionate, hard-working but easy-going Climbing Instructor / Project Manager to strengthen our team in Lebanon, Central Beqaa during the 2020 season.

Your Roles & Responsibilities

  • Developing and implementing climbing activities with a strong psychosocial and educational dimension
  • Managing the everyday-relationship between ClimbAID and its partner organizations and other stakeholders
  • Coordinating a team of international climbing volunteers (weekly session planning, household and other logistics)
  • Tracking the project’s funds and expenses

Your Qualifications

  • Excellent communication and organizational skills
  • Experience in working with children (9+), youth and young adults (18+) from vulnerable backgrounds
  • Experience or strong interest in using climbing for social and/or therapeutic means
  • Bachelor’s Degree in social work, psychology or other helping and social professions
  • Certification as rock climbing instructor / coach
  • Fluent in English (mandatory) and Arabic (preferable)
  • Proficient computers skills incl. Word, Excel and PowerPoint
  • Driving license (manual)

The Deal

  • Season: April to October 2020
  • Duration: at least 3 months, 7 months favorable
  • Remuneration: USD 1000 – 1500 / month based on skills and contract duration
  • Accommodation: included
  • The opportunity to make a difference and work for the amazing A ROLLING ROCK project


Apply under www.climbaid.org/job until December 15th. We are looking forward to reading from you!

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