Довгострокове волонтерство у Любліні

Термінова, креативна та дуже яскрава вакансія на вже профінансований проект в Любліні! НГО “Селла” шукає довгострокового волонтера.

Коли: червень 2019 – червень 2020 (12 місяців)

Де: Люблін, Польща

Дедлайн: 26/05/2019

The House of Words is department of Institution “Theatre NN Grodzka Gate”. It hosts a permanent exhibition about the history of printing and different events related to the power of words. During your placement, they might need your help in organizing these events and for example in creating decorations.

Read more about the House of Words here:


The place for volunteer is highly recommended for person with abilities written below:

– 18-30 years old;

– good knowledge of English, Polish (basic);

– ability to work in a team, self-management as well;

– knowledge of precious techniques, for example: calligraphy, bindery, typesetter, printing, lithography, linocuts, or desire to develop in such areas;

– multimedia skills – photography, recording, animation, video making

– abilities to work with children, elder people and disabled;

– artistic portfolio is very welcomed

– artistic skills

– theatre skills, for example drama, storytelling, improvisation

– abilities for activities in streetart works;

– creativity in making and leading workshops

Assistance: In general, the placement is a lot about assisting different people working in- or cooparating with the centre, for example artists. They might ask you to help them in a practical way or to do some specific research or translation work. But you can always bring your personal interests with you and develop your own projects together with written skills or some additional.

Before applying, please read about our partner of project – the hosting organization is visible on those websites:

more details about project are visible here: https://bit.ly/2TQB2E5

We need from willing person CV and motivation letter with details about interest, interests connected with that project, education (all things like university, trainings, etc.) and why that person would like to participate in such a project.

Please, also indicate that your sending organization is the Non-governmental organization “Kharkiv association for active youth” Stella “(PIC 947609200).

Please send them here: monika.mieleszko@sempre.org.pl until 26th of May 2019.

Бажаємо успіхів!

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