Волонтерський проект в бібліотеці Литви

Отримувати натхнення щодня – з книжок! Мрія? Реальність!

Якщо не уявляєш своє життя без книжок – цей волонтерський проект саме для тебе!

Location: Kaunas, Lithuania
Project activity at: Girstupis Public Library
Duration: 30.09.2019 – 31.07.2020

The project #glocal invites you to explore the interconnectedness between the local and the
global, to promote solidarity and active citizenship by volunteering in a specific hosting organization, participating in and organizing solidarity events, creating eco-postcards, etc. Join!

Your Hosting Organization
Our library is part of the Kaunas V. Kudirka Public Library. Our library is a public town library with possibilities to borrow books and periodicals; use computers and a reading room. We also have a space for children as well as a hall for various events.

Main Aims

  • to attract readers and library visitors
  • to provide informational, cultural and educational services to our visitors
  • to offer possibilities to spend freetime in a meaningful way

Your tasks:
Communication with the library team and visitors
• Organization and implementation of activities for children
• Assistance with the preparation for events
• Organizing and leading language learning activities
• Assistance to the employees in working with the non-formal education groups

Apply for this project, if:

  • you like to spend time with children
  • you are interested in handicrafts
  • you like reading books
  •  you are initiative
  • you are familiar or willing to learn

Check out the volunteers’ blog: https://timetoevs.blogspot.com/

Deadline – if you would like to apply please send motivation letter and CV in English to solidarity.patria@gmail.com and evs@ngo-stella.org in copy until 31st of May.

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