Литва: волонтерство у Вільнюсі

Довгострокове волонтерство на тему міжкультурного різноманіття від НГО “Стелла”!

Коли: March 2021 – March 2022 (12 months)

Де: Vilnius, Lithuania

Дедлайн: 01.02.2021

Projects aims to create a chance for young Europeans to engage into work with Lithuanian Roma community, break negative stereotypes and raise intercultural self-awareness and tolerance towards diversity. It strives to build TRUST BETWEEN different groups and TRUST FOR the society and European Union as such. The project is about getting in touch with integration of vulnerable and marginalized groups, advocating for Human Rights and developing non formal education sector. The volunteer will develop his/her intercultural competences and professional (linguistic, analytical, communication) skills, empathy for cultural diversity and flexibility in a multicultural society which would boost his/her potential on the labor market after the volunteering is over.


A young person (18-30 years old), regardless gender, ethnicity, social and economical background, with a strong motivation to learn and engage in educational and art activities with Roma children and youth.

Activities for participant:


  • Engaging in everyday activities with children and youth;
  • Participating in Help to Fit events and household care;


  • Collecting, preparing and updating information for Help to Fit social media profiles, related to Roma culture and arts across Europe;
  • Preparing information for printed materials for international projects;
  • Visiting local schools and universities and sharing personal experience and information about the project;


  • Assisting in creating non formal education curriculum;
  • Assisting in organizing cultural events related to Roma history and culture, commemoration events and other;
  • Assisting in organizing and implementing artistic and creative activities involving dance, music, theater, cinema, photography and painting;
  • Assisting in school visits, meetings with teachers and parents, monitoring children’s progress at school;
  • Reading and learning about Lithuanian minorities and their protection;
  • Learning Lithuanian language and engaging in local cultural events;
  • Learning Romani language, history and culture;


  • Assisting in projects’ writing; brainstorming;
  • Assisting in international meetings with partner organisations, preparing agendas and reporting on the process.

More info is here

In order to apply, please send you CV and the motivational letter to  sakaliukai@gmail.com and evs@ngo-stella.org. In the name of the project, please, write “Take a Chance, Build the Trust”.

Волонтерство змінює життя!

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