Міжнародна студентська конференція LibertyCon 2018

Студенти з усієї Європи запрошуються до участі в конференції.

Дати: 13 – 15 квітня 2018 року.

Місце: Белград, Сербія

Дедлайн: 12 квітня

Реєстрація: https://libertycon.net/register/

Детальний опис англійською:

LibertyCon is an international conference. It’s the perfect place to meet pro-liberty students and young professionals from all over the world. The biggest event of its kind in Europe.

Why LibertyCon?

A ticket to LibertyCon gets you access to an exclusive three-day package:

  • inspiring speeches (world-class speakers, lectures, workshops, roundtables and discussions);
  • international networking (and meet-ups with more than 900 students and partner organisations from all around the world);
  • amazingatmosphere (with two parties, concerts, DJs and even a shooting range).

Our 2018 Theme: #ExpressYourself

Freedom of Expression

The conference theme this year is #ExpressYourself, tackling the area of Freedom of Expression in various aspects including speech, press, art, technology and more. Our idea is to present the most successful, interesting and impressionable ideas, speakers and visions of a freer society.

For more information visit our official website: https://libertycon.net/

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