Студентська конференція “LibertyCon”

Студенти з усієї Європи запрошуються до участі в конференції.

Дати: 17 – 19 березня 2017 року.

Місце: Прага, Чехія.

Дедлайн: 12 березня.

Детальний опис англійською:

Liberty does not have borders. As cheaper travel and communication continues to connect people around the world, it becomes increasingly important to connect pro-liberty students on a global scale.

European Students For Liberty exists to provide support for pro-liberty students and student groups in Europe and empower the next generation of leaders in the global liberty movement.

ESFL supports pro-liberty student groups by helping to provide resources, advising students on effective leadership strategies, and connecting students from across Europe with both like-minded peers and important leaders and organizations in the pro-liberty movement.

It is constantly becoming clearer that this generation of students is inheriting an uncertain world, in which the insecure foundations of our unsustainable, intrusive institutions are being exposed and, in some cases, threatening to collapse. This generation needs a new direction and students are increasingly recognising that social, economic, and academic freedom is essential for creating a secure society.

WHY LibertyCon?

The new branding should reflect on all the changes that the ESLFC has gone through over the course of the last 5 years. It includes a shorter and easy to remember name as well as a new logo and key visuals that represent our most important value – liberty. This is the next step towards branding consistency.
The ESFLC has alway been a unique project and unique it shall remain. We believe this change will help us create stronger and sustainable branding, toamplify our message and make the mission of the conference more comprehensible.


The recent rise of sharing economy and modern technology has been astonishing. We can now see new innovations, projects and start-ups appearing almost every day. How will this trend affect our future? That is the question for more than 40 renowned economists, entrepreneurs, scientists, journalists, experts in cryptocurrencies, transhumanism and more. They are coming to Prague to share their knowledge, experience and vision. We invite you to be the part of it!

Джерело: https://libertycon.net/about-us/

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