Бельгія: повна стипендія в Leuven University

Де: Leuven University, Бельгія


Для кого: на магістратуру для студентів у сфері геології, статистики, фізики, хімії.

Фінансування: повне покриття витрат на навчання, страхування і частково покриття витрат на життя, максимальна суму 10 тис. євро на рік

Дедлайн: 15 лютого 2021 р.


Applicants must meet and prove the following requirements:

  • the applicants have not studied or worked at the University of Leuven before,
  • the applicants have a bachelor degree from a foreign university that gives them access to the master programme they are applying for,
  • the applicants have not yet acquired a master degree or a PhD,
  • the applicants can prove excellent study results during their former training,
  • the applicants can prove a very strong knowledge of English ( TOEFL (minimum score 94 internet-based with at least 19 for reading, 18 for Listening, 19 for speaking and 21 for writing) or IELTS (minimum score 7 overall, whilst at least 6,5 for reading, 6 for listening, 6 for speaking and 6 for writing),
  • the applicants show strong motivation to follow a master programme at the Faculty of Science of the KU Leuven
  • the applicants are willing to act as ambassador for the programme.


The students that have been awarded a scholarship will be asked to sign a contract that stipulates the conditions of acceptance.

Мовні вимоги

For all the English taught master programmes the following language requirements are requested.  This is even more so for applicants for the Scholarship.  The level of English is a selection criterium.


Applicants who are non-native speakers of English must provide evidence of English language proficiency.
* Applicants with a university degree earned in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom or the USA: the certified diploma and transcripts suffice, provided they confirm that the entire university study was completed in English. Absolutely no other diplomas will be accepted as evidence even if the applicant has followed an exclusively English-taught programme.
* Other applicants should submit a satisfactory score on an internationally recognized test of English language proficiency: TOEFL (minimum score 94 internet-based with at least 19 for reading, 18 for Listening, 19 for speaking and 21 for writing) or IELTS (minimum score 7 overall, whilst at least 6,5 for reading, 6 for listening, 6 for speaking and 6 for writing). No other proficiency tests will be accepted, and absolutely no application will be considered without such a test certificate.


For applicants from outside Belgium, comparability of the diploma is not always easily established. Therefore we ask you to upload the following documents with your application:

* scans of transcripts and diplomas are required for all applicants. These documents are sufficient for applicants from universities that have an exchange agreement with the Faculty of Science of KU Leuven or universities that are in the global top 200 in the most recent Times Higher Education or QS rankings.

Additional documentation is required for applicants from other universities as it is impossible for us to reliably assess the comparability. In those cases the admission board will take a positive decision only if supporting information is provided:
* a complete list of course titles for which you have obtained a credit should be part of this. Indicate the course size (in ECTS-credits) and the result you obtained, preferably according to the ECTS-scale; if a different scale is used, please provide a summary explanation on the meaning of the scores.
* for the courses that you deem most relevant as a preparation for the master that you are considering, provide a short (about one half to one page) description according to the standard guidelines for an ECTS-study guide.

The Admissions Board evaluates all applications and has the final say on the admissibility of the student, taking into account the relevant information.

На які програми магістратури можна отримати стипендії –

Вартість життя у Бельгії:



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