Термінова пропозиція: довгострокове волонтерство у Німеччині!

Коли: 21/01/2020 – 19/01/2021

Де: Leipzig, Germany

Дедлайн: 07/11/2019

Project topics

*Creativity and culture

*Pedagogy and didactics

*Health and wellbeing

Project description

The “BuchKindergarten” (BookKindergarten) is situated in the Southwest of Leipzig – neighborhood Lindenau. The volunteer will work with children in the age from 0 to 3. The concept of the kindergarten is based on many years of cultural and pedagogical experiences with ”book-work” with children. The volunteer will be working together with the educators, supporting their daily work with small children. Apart from helping children to explore the world, he/she will have an opportunity to develop their own interesting projects and activities for children. In the kindergarten two other volunteers are working and the whole team consists of young and creative people.

Volunteer profile

– 18-30 years old?

– Do you love working with children?

– Are you creative and open-minded?

– Do you have any interesting hobbies that you can share with others? (music, sports, art … everything is welcome)

– Are you a responsible person?

– Do you have a lot of new ideas for fun&educative activities?

– Are you willing to learn German?

– Would you like to live in the most quickly growing city of Germany and experience its cultural diversity?

If yes, then you are a perfect candidate for this position! Don’t hesitate to apply, we are waiting for you!

How to apply

If you are interested in this project, please send us your CV, motivation letter focusing on why did you choose this project and our application form (https://www.verein-fairbund.de/eu-projekt/freiwilligendienste/freiwillige) filled in German or in English via email to: iryna@verein-fairbund.de


Don’t forget to indicate that your sending organization is the Non-governmental organization “Kharkiv association for active youth” Stella “(PIC 947609200).

More info: https://europa.eu/youth/volunteering/project/9517_en

Catch this unique opportunity!

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