Тренінговий курс “Learn, Do, and Stay Inspired”

Харківська НГО “Стелла” шукає 3 учасників для тренінгового курсу у Швеції.

Дати: 5-12 листопада.
Місце: Gothenburg, Sweden
Дедлайн: 4 вересня.
Детальний опис англійською:
Through the proposed training course “Learn, Do, and Stay Inspired” the applicant and partner promoters wish to raise awareness about the key concepts of Volunteerism and Youth participation, to increase capacity of participants to act more effective ways during the promotion of Volunteering and its benefits in society. Hence, the activity aims to empower the group leaders, young activists, youth workers and volunteers of the organizations from across Europe to take active part in the local communities’ development and to equip them with skills and tools necessary to effectively promote volunteering with its benefits among a larger number of young people in local communities, home countries.
The training course has set of the objectives:
  • To discuss values, principles, benefits/threats of volunteering and create common understanding of positive impact that European youth volunteering has on individuals, groups and societies;
  • To exchange experience and ‘best practices’-(successful projects on voluntary base)with other participants
  • To facilitate future cooperation between participants and their organizations and to empower participants to multiply effects of this training course in their organizations; / Local communities and surrounding youth;
  • To raise awareness and strengthen understanding about key concepts of volunteering and youth participation in partner promoter countries;
  • To introduce volunteering in local communities as a tool for social inclusion of marginalized youth.
  • Developing tools, activities, strategies for improvement of youth work on local level focused on international voluntarism and youth participation
Yearly membership fee – 30 euros
All costs regarding food and accommodation is covered by Erasmus + programme. Travel costs are covered 100% within the limit of 275 euros
Participants profile:
  • 18+ age limit;
  • able to communicate in English;
  • creative, open-minded young people, who are willing to actively participate in the TC, and wants to meet different cultures;
  • interested in the main topic of the TC
DEADLINE: 4th September 2016

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