Тренінговий курс “Leadership for Change”

НГО “Стелла” шукає 2 учасників на проект на Сицилії!

Дати: 24 травня – 1 червня 2018 року.

Місце: Cefalu, Sicily, Italy

Дедлайн: 25 березня.

Детальний опис англійською:

Leadership for Change is a pilot project aimed at strengthening youth workers’ inner leadership skills, boosting their self-confidence to act with integrity in relation to their inner values and this way creating real value for young people and the community. Objectives:

  1. To develop and pilot an innovative training on inner leadership.
  2. To build youth workers’ capacities on inner leadership as a way to develop their competences and improve their work with other young people.
  3. To motivate and reinforce youth workers self-confidence to actively engage in inspirational work with young people and replicate the training with them.
  4. To strengthen collaboration and networking amongst youth organisations in European and partner countries.
  5. To contribute to build social cohesion and peace in the participating countries.

In a long term perspective we expect to develop an international community of youth leaders with a background on inner leadership and committed to create real and lasting impact in their communities and other sectors of society.


Youth workers and youth leaders who are willing to actively participate in the whole duration of the TC, should:

  • be 18+ years old
  • be interested in the main topic of the TC
  • have good English language skills in order to achieve the objectives of the activities
  • be capable and willing to develop and implement follow up project
  • be able to write a report in English and Ukrainian after the project is over

Financial conditions

The project is financed by Erasmus+ Programme:

  • Travel costs are 100 % covered within the limit according to the rules of Erasmus+ proramme
  • Food and accommodation will be covered for the entire project – 100%
  • Fee – 30 euros

Джерело та аплікаційна форма: http://ngo-stella.org/projects/Leadership-for-Change

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