Волонтерство: дитячий садок та молодіжний центр у Латвії

Alternativa-V шукає волонтерів на проекти в Латвії. Проекти триватимуть 12 місяців і учасники потрібні якомога скоріше.
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 Volonteering for 2 Ukrainian volunteers for two kindergartens in Ikskile city (12 month) from 5.01.2019. to 04.01.2020:

“The aim of the project is to improve the understanding of different languages, traditions and to develop in kids and youth willingness to learn foreign languages. The main aim of the activities is to popularize foreign languages and their need in people’s lives. By planning, creating activities, the volunteers will be able to develop communication in foreign language both for them and also for the target group and workers of the organizations, and will share their culture.”

Ikskiles area two kindergartens are looking for 2 volunteers to work in the kindergartens that provides children with learning of new skills, developing the communication skills and teach them first knowledge that is needed for life and to start the first steps in the school life. The city about 20 km from capital city of Latvia- Riga. Work will consist from working with children, teach English,  create different events, like: sporting events, cultural events, traditional events and different thematic parties, project creation, skill development etc. Volunteers will create new cultural events for children and will both learn new cultures and teach languages. In cooperation with other volunteers in nearby organisations (youth centre, schools) – it will be possible to create bigger local activities for larger groups of kids and youth and other different target groups.


Volonteering for 2 volunteers for a youth center in Ikskile city (12 month) from 5.01.2019. to 04.01.2020:

Ikskiles area is looking for 2 volunteers in to work in the youth centre that provides youth with free time activities and learning of new skills, developing the communication skills and allow to develop the youth their own initiative projects. The city about 20 km from capital city of Latvia – Riga. Work will consist from working with children and youth free time activities, different event, like, sporting events, cultural events, traditional events and different thematic parties, project creation, skill development. Volunteers will create new cultural events for youth and will both learn new cultures and teach languages. In cooperation with other volunteers in nearby kindergartens and school it will be possible to create bigger local activities for larger groups of kids and youth different target groups.

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