НГО “Стелла” шукає волонтера для довгострокового проекту в Латвії

Волонтерство у Латвії, де будете працювати з дітьми та молоддю у секторі неформальної освіти, міжкультурної комунікації, підвищення активності молоді тощо.

Місце: Vecpiebalga, Latvia (rural area, Nearest city is 40 km far)

Дати: 1 April 2021 – 31 March 2022

Deadline 31.01.2020

Vecpiebalga Department of youth affairs is one of the main tools of Vecpiebalga Local Municipality’s work with young people. The goal of department is to promote Vecpiebalga county’s youth initiatives, their participation in decision making and social life. The main activities are youth free time, youth awareness and participation, non-formal education, intercultural communication and volunteering.

There are two working places: youth center “Balgas strops” and youth center Dzerbene. Both works with children aged 8 – 12 and young people aged 13 – 25 who live in rural area, have fewer opportunities, who go to school unwillingly and unemployed young people. To achieve the goal and develop its activities, youth centers takes part in various projects, organizes and takes part in different activities. For example art, music lessons, workshops, brain, table games, different cultural, sport events, discussions about mental health, environment. In youth centers there are working professional specialists on youth affairs, who are responsible for running thecenters, planning and implementing different projects, supervising everyday’s activities and etc. Also there are local volunteers, who help to look after youth centers, organize practicalities and organize some activities for children and youth.

?Main activities

✔ Workshops and fun activities with local children:

Each day in the youth centre there arecoming lots of localchildren who isinterested to participate in differentworkshops (crafts and arts, etc.) and activities(common table and sportsgames, team building activities, etc.)and have fun.

✔ Work with local youth:

Each day in the youth centers there are coming lots of youngster who are interested to participate in activities like table and sport games, tournaments, movie and culture nights, different hobby groups like cooking, arts, crafts, languages etc.

✔  Media:

In the Youth centre there are photo and video cameras and computers with licensed design programmes. There is an option to help the youth centers to make their webpage or blog, facebook.com and instagram page; to lead design or moviemaking hobby clubs; to do little jobs depending on organization needs, for example posters, etc.

✔ Spreading information:

To foster young people’s sense of European citizenship, to raise Volunteering awareness among Latvian youngsters with fewer opportunities and less-privileged backgrounds. Volunteers can tell or make presentations, culture days about their countries, European Union,European citizenship, European common values,Solidarity Corps, Human Rights, promote EVS, raise European awareness, etc. Volunteers will present the information in non-formal way as well as organise non-formal games and quizzes about chosen topic and short games to fight prejudice against minorities or people anyhow different. To spread this information in whole Vecpiebalga region, volunteers can visit local schools, art school, museums.


▪️Volunteers will be provided with accommodation, pocket money and  money for food.

▪️International ticket to and from Latvia will be covered within the limit of 275 euros.


18-30 years old young person who is interested in volunteering projects. The most important criteria in the selection process will be the motivation of the participants. Motivation in motivation letter should not be general!!!

More info about the project: http://bit.ly/3oEv8VS

✍️ Як подати заявку?

Для того, щоб подати заявку надсилайте ваші CV та мотиваційний лист на англійській мові на linda.kaukule@vecpiebalga.lv та evs@ngo-stella.org  з темою ESC Vecpiebalga. В мотивації поясніть, чому саме ви хочете приймати участь у даному проекті.

??? Бажаємо успіхів!  ???

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