Волонтерство у Литві: короткий проект для трьох учасників на місяць

Pangeya Ultima шукає 3-ох учасників віком 18-30 років на проект Європейського Корпусу Солідарності (ESC) в Анталіпте, Литва.

Дати перебування волонтера/ки на проекті: 03.10.2021 – 03.11.2021.

Opportunity: European Solidarity Corps “LANDSCAPE DESIGN CAMP 2.0”

Dates: 03.10.2021 – 03.11.2021 (1 month)

Location: Antaliepte, Lithuania

Hosting Organization: Innovators’ Valley

Innovators’ valley invites you to participate at the “ Landscape Design Camp 2.0 ” in Antaliepte, a small village in the middle of the lake region of Lithuania.We are looking for 3 people from Ukraine that want to experience community life, create art and  design the surrounding.

About organization: 

Innovators’ valley is restoring and developing unique cultural heritage – as a XVIIth century monastery -, and a beautiful surrounding – 12 hectares of park-. Step by step they are developing this historical and natural place as social innovations, environmental and non-formal education centre (www.inovatiruslenis.lt). Volunteers will help in a practical and creative way to develop these unique place as co-working and co-living hub in the nature. NGO Innovators’ valley and DC Pangeya Ultima have been partners since 2015 and during this time many young people with spirit of adventure and open mind tried themselves in Lithuania (you can read about their experience in our blog).

Food and accommodation:

The volunteers will live in a common room formed by 2 or 3 people for each room. The volunteers will have to share the shower, toilet and fully equipped kitchen with other volunteers. During this month we will explore nature and go to the forest for some adventure camping. The organization will provide tents, sleeping bags and all the necessary for a good camping experience.

Pocket Money:

The volunteer will have 4 € per day of pocket money (120 Eur) and food money (120 Eur); the payment will be in the beginning of each month.


This volunteering team is the second group that will work on our amazing Geodome. In June the volunteers group decided to focus on the interior design and on the realization of the furniture. This time we want to develop the exterior of the Geodome, to make a cozy location near the fire place and to arrange the area around this beautiful structure.

Please, URGENTLY fill out the google form here: https://forms.gle/XkWsv7kEzzoUqo3G8

If you have any questions, please, write us to pangeya.ultima.mobility@gmail.com

N/B Candidates from Vinnytsia and Vinnytsia region will receive the preference. Applications will be processed on a rolling basis. As soon as proper candidates are found, the call will be closed.

European Solidarity Corps covers: accommodation, pocket money, money for food, transportation, insurance, visa assistance, training during the project and learning the national language.

The European Solidarity Corps is the new European Union initiative which creates opportunities for young people to volunteer or work in projects in their own country or abroad that benefit communities and people around Europe.

The young people who participate in the European Solidarity Corps will all agree with and uphold its Mission and Principles.

You can register for the European Solidarity Corps when you are 17 years old, but you cannot start a project until you are over 18. European Solidarity Corps projects will be available to people up to the age of 30 years old.

*Центр розвитку Пангея Ультіма зазначає свою готовність до захисту приватності аплікантів. Вся особиста інформація від аплікантів збиратиметься лише для обробки заявок на даний проект/подію, для комунікації із заявниками щодо логістики та організації відшкодувань.

При необхідності вся чутлива інформація від аплікантів буде анонімізована на основі запитів від них. ЦР Пангея Ультіма обіцяє не розповсюджувати особисту інформацію заявників із іншими сторонами окрім як із особами прямо задіяними у процес організації даного проекту/події. Всі апліканти розуміють, що при наданні доступу до особистої інформації з цілю подання заявок на участь, вони автоматично надають організаторам згоду на обробку та зберігання власних персональних даних.

*Development center Pangeya Ultima is fully committed to protecting all applicants’ privacy. Information collected will be only used for the purpose of processing the applications, communicating with selected participants, for logistics purposes and travel costs reimbursement. Where sensitive, all the personal details of the applicants will be anonymised upon request. DC Pangeya Ultima pledges not to pass on the collected information to any other party besides those who are directly involved in the organization of the above project/event. By submitting their applications and providing access to personal information all applicants understand that they automatically give consent to processing and storing of own personal data.


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