Премія з міжнародної журналістики ім. Курта Шорка

Журналісти запрошуються до участі в конкурсі на здобуття премії в розмірі $ 5 000. Щорічно присуджується дві премії.

Дедлайн: 31 травня.

Детальний опис англійською:

The Kurt Schork Memorial Fund (KSMF) is now accepting submissions for its 2017 awards in international journalism, including a new annual award for ‘News Fixers.’

Since its inception in 2002, the Kurt Schork Memorial Fund has sought to support those journalists Kurt most admired, the freelancers and local reporters whose work is often poorly paid, mostly unsung and all too often fraught with danger.

Today, the two annual awards, for freelance and local journalism, are recognized worldwide as a mark of excellence and have an established track record for brave reporting on conflict, corruption and injustice.

This year, the Fund is proud to be able to add a third category to the annual awards cycle with a new prize to recognize the work of ‘News Fixers.’

The 16th annual call for awards is therefore now split into three categories:

  • a Local Reporter award that recognizes the often over-looked work of journalists in developing nations or countries in transition who write about events in their homeland.
  • a Freelance award for those journalists who travel to the world’s conflict zones, usually at great personal risk, to witness and report the impact and consequences of events.
  • A News Fixer award rewarding local journalists and/or experts, hired by a visiting foreign reporter or news organization, whose guidance and local knowledge materially benefited the content, impact and reach of the stories submitted.

Each award is for $5,000 and will be presented at a prestigious ceremony in London in late October or November 2017. Since 2009, the awards ceremony has been hosted at the Thomson Reuters Foundation’s main offices in Canary Wharf, London.

The deadline for entries is midnight (GMT) on Wednesday, May 31.

Джерело: http://www.ksmfund.org/2017-awards

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