Стипендія для талановитих студентів для навчання в Київській Школі Економіки (KSE)

Kyiv School of Economics invites talented students to get the best Economics Education!

We offer two MA programs:

  • One-Year MA Program in Business & Financial Economics
  • Two-Year MA Program in Economic Analysis

The most talented students can get scholarships and study for free or pay half tuition fee. For the Economic Analysis program KSE offers 3 full and 15 partial scholarships for 2015/16 academic year.

To support students from the occupied territories of Ukraine KSE announced additional grants for graduates from Donetsk and Lugansk regions and Crimea. For detailed information please visit – http://goo.gl/OJpLIj

The deadline for submitting documents is August 3. You can submit your documents in one of the three possible ways – in person, by mail, or using our Online Application System http://goo.gl/wgIJHG. This year you can apply only by submitting the required documents and passing the interview!

Why KSE master programs are unique for Ukraine?

  • The curricula are based on what is taught at leading international universities
  • All courses are taught in English
  • A combination of international and Western-trained faculty who have strong backgrounds in teaching and research, and outstanding practitioners
  • Educational process is built on the principle of Western economic programs; only American and European books are used.

The detailed information about MA program in Economic Analysis is available at http://goo.gl/RxYYLL
The detailed information about MA program in Business and Financial Economics is available at http://goo.gl/AZ0rjC.

In case you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate contacting us – we will be happy to provide you the support you need.

Best wishes,
KSE Admission Team
phone (044) 492-80-12
1 Ivana Mazepystreet,
Kyiv, Ukraine

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