США: стипендія на дослідження ім. Джорджа Ф. Кеннана

Назва програми: The George F. Kennan Fellowships

Тривалість: 3 місяці, Вашингтон

Фінансування: 4 тис. дол. на місяць

Дедлайн: 30 вересня

Про програму:

The George F. Kennan Fellowships were established in 2015 with the goal of supporting experts from diverse, policy-oriented sectors such as media, business, local government, law, civil society, and academia to examine important political, social, economic, cultural, and historical issues in Russia, Ukraine, and the region. Among the aims of the new fellowships are to build bridges between traditional academia and the policy world, as well as to maintain and increase collaboration among researchers from Russia, Ukraine, the U.S., and beyond. The fellowships are funded by a grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York.

Кого бачать учасниками:

The Kennan Institute seeks applicants for the George F. Kennan Fellowship from diverse, policy-oriented sectors such as media, business, local government, law, civil society, and academia to examine important political, social, economic, cultural, and historical issues in Russia, Ukraine, and the region. Among the aims of the new fellowships are to build bridges between traditional academia and the policy world, as well as to maintain and increase collaboration among researchers from Russia, Ukraine, the U.S., and around the globe. Fellows will be based at the Wilson Center in Washington, D.C. for 3-month residencies. There are no citizenship requirements for this grant.

Можна подати індивідуальну заявку, а можна групову

Please note applicants have an option to apply for the fellowship as individuals or as part of a team. If applying as a team of two (or three) applicants, the applicants must be citizens of at least two different countries. The goal of such joint fellowships is to promote collaborative research projects among experts from diverse backgrounds. George F. Kennan Fellowship Teams will:

  • Produce joint paper(s) for policy-relevant publications.
  • Present work at D.C., and/or international events.
  • Conduct meetings and engage with policymakers in D.C.

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1 Відповідь

  1. “Удачные сотрудники вырываются вперед, используя то время, которое другие используют бессмысленно.” – говорил Г. Форд. Информационная подборка с текущего интернет-проекта позволяет вырваться вперёд по сравнению с теми, кто её не читает.

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