Міжнародний проект для журналістів

Запорізьке товариство польської мови та культури (Україна) разом з Малопольським освітнім товариством (Польща) проводить набір журналістів з Запоріжжя віком до 30 років для участі у міжнародному проекті “Journalists, Democracy and Solidarity”, який відбудеться у Новому Сончі і Кракові (Польща) 4-14 червня 2016 р. Знання польської мови не обов’язкове.

Організатори покривають кошти проїзду, проживання та харчування.

Бажаючі взяти участь у проекті повинні надіслати заповнену анкету на електронну адресу towarzystwo@mail.ru до 9 квітня 2016 р. Бажано також надіслати рекомендації з місця праці, або навчання, або громадської діяльності.

АнкетаAplikacja_Dziennikarze Demokracja Solidarnosc_MSZ_2016

Детальний опис англійською:

The deadline for applications to participate in the project is 9 April  2016.

They will be taken into account the following criteria:

  • Age under 30 years old  (participants must be ready for far-reaching changes in their work and / or organizations);
  • Documented commitment to journalistic – social;
  • Letter of motivation;
  • References.

Partners in consultation with the Polish coordinator decide by 20 April 2016 who will be invited to the second stage of recruitment and will contact potential participants.

10-days workshop and study visit in Poland

Nowy Sacz, Krakow, Poland 4-14 of June 2016

Workshop during 10 days (8 hours per day).

Trainers will be journalists: Pawel Smolenski (Gazeta Wyborcza journalist, winner of the Polish-Ukrainian Reconciliation); Józef Figura from Nowy Targ (Tygodnik Podhalański, articles intervention); Jaroslaw Myśliwski of Tarnowskie Mountains (editor-in-chief of the weekly “Gwarek” investigative journalism); Paweł Szeliga from Nowy Sacz (Gazeta Krakowska , journalism); Alicja Fałek journalist from Nowy Sacz (Gazeta Krakowska); Agata Kita, an expert on Public Relations; Alicja Derkowska, activist non-governmental organizations, the author of a number of social projects awarded in 2010. Medal of the National Education Commission and in 2011. Officer’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta for the activities of civil society, a member of the World Movement for Democracy Steering Commitee; Beata Budzik, author of projects for civil society, coach and trainer NGOs.

General workshop program:

Day 0:

  • Arrival of the participants,

Day 1:

  • Presentation of the program: (project coordinator)
  • Information on the functioning of the media in Moldova and Ukraine (who they belong to ?, how are financed ?, who to reach?) – Presentations of participants: Alice Derkowska, Beata Budzik
  • Conditions for the functioning of the media in Poland, changes in the Polish media in the last 25 years: Pawel Szeliga,
  • Journalistic ethics and standards of the journalism world, the consequences of non-compliance with journalistic ethics in Ukraine and Poland: Pawel Szeliga, Alicja Fałek

Day 2,3: Journalism in practice: Jozef Figura, Alicja Fałek

  • Basic principles.
  • Sources of information and protection.
  • Issues of media law.
  • The independence of the media and political lobbying.

Day 4,5: Press photo: Jaroslaw Myśliwski, Alicja Derkowska

  • What is the difference between an common photograph, a press photographer?
  • Technical details of good photojournalism.
  • What does press photography?
  • As a camera or a video camera to capture the emotions?
  • Report.
  • Photos illustrating analytical articles.

Day 6: Visits to local media – Beata Budzik, Alicja Derkowska

  • Journalists in groups will be working with their Polish colleagues from local newspapers, ie.

Day 7: Visit of Krakow media – Beata Budzik, Alicja Derkowska

  • A visit to the headquarters of TVN and the headquarters of Radio Kraków
  • The meeting with Pawel Smolenski.

Day 8:

  • Public Relations, as a way to increase circulation newspapers and the number of paid ads. – Agata Kita, Beata Budzik
  • Ethics of intervention: For whom we work and why we intervene? How to reach readers? – Józef  Figura, Alicja Fałek

Day 9:

  • Rules for application work on-line and in paper form – Beata Budzik
  • Selection of an individual mentor-on-line. Since the success of the project is based on close cooperation between the participants and the trainers / mentors, each participant will be able to choose a mentor from among the four experts: Józef Figura, Jaroslaw Myśliwski, Paul Szeliga and Alicja Fałek.
  • Evaluation of the workshop. Distribution of certificates of participation.

Day 10:

  • Departure of participants

The workshop will be held individual consultations with trainers on the areas and directions of change needed given the journalist.

Action 3: Mentoring on-line

Nowy Sacz, Krakow, Poland (July – October 2016)

After returning home, each project participant will send texts to the mentor on-line and receive a detailed feedback. Mentor after hearing the text will send to each ward written opinion, which will include guidelines for further development.

In addition, contact with participants and experts between journalists will be possible through the blog in Russian and groups in social network Facebook etc. Blog will include, among others, information for participants, shortcuts training materials, comments of participants and trainers and the information and opinions about the changes taking place in the newspapers and online editions of the beginning of the project.

To facilitate communication between the mentor and the ward, each participant will be able to express themselves in their native language. Submitted texts will be translated into Polish. We employ this purpose translators, who will also be postponed expert answers into a participant.

Action 4: Internship Polish journalists in newsrooms.

Nowy Sacz, Zakopane, Kraków (September – October 2016)

Twelve of the most active journalists will take 10.days internship in Malopolska local media (eg. Sądeczanin, Tygodnik Podhalański). During this internship Moldovan and Ukrainian journalists will have job shadowing in Polish newspapers and participate in the daily editorial work. Polish journalists will have an opportunity to get to know the problems colleagues from Moldova and Ukraine. During the internship guests will be under the patronage of Polish journalists.

The result of the placement will be a step in the development of local media due to the newly acquired knowledge and analysis needs. Certainly a big change will be the introduction of a new way of working – newsroom workflow, content presentation – visual editing. Participants will have available to caregivers internship.

Undoubtedly, this cooperation will strengthen cooperation Polish, Moldovan and Ukrainian media.

At the end of the project we will organize in Nowy Sacz discussion on freedom of political debate, journalistic ethics, sources of information and social role of the media and the mutual benefits of cooperation with NGOs. Polish journalists and guests, local government representatives and representatives of NGOs will be able to share opinions at the “round table” on the subject.

Action 5: Evaluation and Monitoring

Moldova, Ukraine; Nowy Sacz, Poland (November 2016)

An important element of the monitoring activities are coordinators of Moldova and Ukraine, who will be in direct telephone contact with any journalist, at least once a month.

The evaluation will be carried out by an external company, which will present a professional report.





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