Школа ім. Філіпа Джессапа для юристів

Студенти запрошуються до участі в семиденній літній школі ім. Джесаппа.

Дати: 3 – 9 липня
Місце: Києво-Могилянська академія
Робоча мова: English
Дедлайн: 25 травня 2016

Детальний опис англійською:

The Jessup Summer School is a 7-day intensive training for law students willing to take part in the upcoming Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition. It will take place in the premises of Kyiv Mohyla Academy on July 3 – July 9, 2016.

The programme consists of lectures, workshops and independent work in small groups. It will focus on developing those skills that cannot be acquired at academic institutions, and therefore, that are needed the most.

In the course of the educational process you will get the grasp of relevant juridical terminology, hone your writing and speaking skills, work on legal analysis and, most importantly, will try your hand at the simulation of simulation – the Jessup mini-moot court! To make the learning process easy and exciting, we invited best speakers and knowledgeable mentors, who will show you the fastest way to success in the competition!


  • Tuition Fee

* The tuition fee for JSS is 800 UAH. Full and partial need-based fee waivers are available.
The fee includes lunches, refreshments during coffee breaks, and teaching materials.

  • Accommodation

* Accommodation in a hostel (4 people per room) for 6 nights (incl. breakfasts) will be provided for participants from the regions free of charge.

  • Travel Expenses

* Participants are responsible for their own travel expenses and arrangements.

For on-line application please follow the link https://goo.gl/0c6EnN

Applications must be submitted by 25 May 2016. All applicants will receive a response within 10 days after the application deadline.

The selection will be made on the basis of a motivation letter (1 page (300-400 words), explaining the reasons for applying, previous experience in mooting (if any) and how this school will benefit the student’s future development) and academic performance (copies of university transcript). Due consideration will be given to geographical balance.
Applicants must have very good command of English (speaking, reading, writing skills are required on the level of advanced). Students are encouraged to provide a proof of English proficiency.

For further questions please contact us at jessup.ua@gmail.com


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1 Відповідь

  1. Liz_weapy :

    What necessary words… super, excellent idea

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