Чудове волонтерство від Center for Dialogue and Reconciliation “Iskra” у Німеччині

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JA:hr für Europa has 2 ESC vacancies in Leipzig: ecological work in an eco-house (Ökohaus Leipzig) and in the Kindergarden @BBW Blaues Haus

?Where? Leipzig, Germany

?When? March 2022 – for 12 months

❓ What will I do in these projects?


The volunteer supports the workers in their daily routines with the kids and shall support own small or bigger projects in the kindergarden. He/She will get to know a pedagogic insight into the open work of the institution. The volunteer will work in a group with children between 2 and 7 years. He/She will get to know and co-arrange the work with the parents; participate in important processes like preparing elder kids for school, attend small projects and offers (handicraft etc.). He/she shall actively enter aspects of his/her own culture into the daily life with the kids and create special projects around this. He/she shall carry through an own project.

In addition, there will be realised several project days towards topics of solidarity in europe / participation / social projects for all ESC volunteers.

  1. In the eco house the volunteer works in the garden

Beside daily gardening there are special nature youth activities that can be supported or created by the volunteer. The volunteers helps within nature education projects and it is foreseen that the volunteer develops and realize with the support of the staff own nature education offers. The volunteer shall bring aspects of his or her own country into the work, e.g. music, games, sports, language, cooking or handicraft.

In addition, there will be realised several project days towards topics of solidarity in europe / participation / social projects for all ESC volunteers. The volunteers have to take part, learn and to realise an own social idea.

?How are the projects financed?

Expenses are fully covered: travel from Ukraine and back, accommodation, food & pocket money, medical insurance, support in learning the language and transportation city card.

?Am I eligible?

  • You are a Ukrainian citizen or permanent resident
  • You are 18-26 years old
  • You have at least basic level of English and willing to learn German
  • Interested in working with youth / interest in working in nature (he/she should like working and beeing outside, working with wood, plants…)/ open-mindedness and self-initiative (the eco house)
  • Interested in working with children in a kindergarden and like kids / open-minded and communicative behavior / ability to work in different groups (Kindergarden Blue House)

❗Measles & Covid-19 vaccination is mandatory!

?‍♀️How to apply?

Volunteering in Leipzig at Kindergarden Blue House: https://bit.ly/3dkcdvD

Volunteering in Leipzig at Eco House (Ökohaus): https://bit.ly/2ZRUloP

Please complete the online application you find following the link. The selection process takes 1-2 months. You will get an answer during or latest after 2 months

⏰Deadline: 12.12.2021


Фото:  Center for Dialogue and Reconciliation “Iskra”

Info Centre for Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps in Ukraine не несе відповідальність за організацію проектів, відбір учасників та фінансові домовленості. Модератори сторінки лише поширюють актуальні можливості неформальної освіти для молоді. Усю відповідальність несе відправляюча організація або організатори заходу, назву яких ви можете знайти в оголошенні до проєкту.

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