Ірландія: стипендія на PhD

Що: Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme

Про програму:

The Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme is an established national initiative, funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, and managed by the Council.

In 2019 alone, we invested a total of over €13.6 million on 809 Government of Ireland Postgraduate scholars across six calls (2013-2019).

The Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme is unique in the Irish research landscape and complements other channels for funded postgraduate education in the Irish eco-system. Among its features are:

  • individual, prestigious awards for excellent research in the name of the applicant;
  • an objective selection process using international, independent expert peer review;
  • funding across all disciplines, from archaeology to zoology;
  • awards for bottom-up, non-directed research, with the exception of those funded by our strategic funding partners.

Вимоги до кандидатів подані тут


  • a stipend of €16,000 per annum
  • a contribution to fees, including non-EU fees, up to a maximum of €5,750 per annum
  • eligible direct research expenses of €2,250 per annum

Графік подачі документів:

Deadline Date
Call open 3 September 2020
FAQ deadline 22 October 2020
Applicant deadline 16:00 (Irish time) 29 October 2020
Supervisor and referee deadline 16:00 (Irish time) 5 November 2020
Research office endorsement deadline 16:00 (Irish time) 12 November 2020
Call outcome End of March 2021
Scholarship start date 1 September 2021

Відповіді на найпоширеніші питання про програму 

Більше інформації: http://research.ie/funding/goipg/

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