Літня школа з журналістики розслідування

Літня школа з журналістики розслідування відбудеться в Ризі, Латвія, 11 – 13 серпня 2016 року. Журналісти з України можуть подати заявку на отримання стипендії для покриття витрат на участьу школі.

Дедлайн – 4 липня.

Детальний опис англійською:

The Centre for Media Studies at SSE Riga invites you to attend the fifth Summer School on Investigative Reporting. Lectures representing the best of the best.

The keynote speaker is Masha Gessen, the Russian-American journalist famous for her chronicle of the rise of Vladimir Putin.

Ms Gessen is an independent journalist and author. She is a native Russian, now living in New York. She has written several books on different aspects of Russian society and she is also an activist for LGBT rights.

Freedom of the press is yet another subject on her agenda; for instance, she has been critical of the developments in Hungary.

Besides giving the keynote speech she will offer seminars on interviewing techniques.

Other speakers bring experiences from Sweden, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the USA and Latvia. They are all internationally recognized for their exceptional skills:

  • Nils Hanson has been doing the ABC of Investigative Reporting in Sweden for decades due to its popularity. He is also a frequent speaker on the international scene. He is a master of presenting useful specific tools to use on a day-to-day basis.
  • Tom Trewinnard specializes in what has become a huge problem in newsgathering – fake news and fake pictures. How do you disclose even the most sophisticated scams? Tom will tell you and show you.
  • Drew Sullivan and Miranda Patrucic, from the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), will explain how organized crime and corruption work and how to prove their existence. Everything from classic methods to social media.
  • Masha Gessen has tremendous experience on how to interview people who are hard to reach, such as men of power and victims. She will also speak about writing, using a book about Pussy Riot as a foundation.
  • Inga Springe and Sanita Jemberga from Re:Baltica will present the best of journalism from around the Baltic Sea, published after our fourth Summer School in August 2015. International journalists will tell their stories. The selection of stories is not yet final, as Springe and Jemberga want to be as up to date as possible.


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  1. 7 Травня, 2016

    […] За матеріалами: UNISTUDY […]

  2. 15 Травня, 2016

    […] Літня школа з журналістики розслідування […]

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